Yeah I thought bastion was Nerfed for good additons to balance, then I play a death benifit bg that just makes me wish i had a guy that could move 14 spaces to combo attack devistate a 100 hp tough unit with arrow eater So yeah as much as I like spending 50-55 nora to do nothing but reset a unit that deals massive damage that scales harder and harder EVERY Firking ROUND in a HUGE AOE I hight Lighted the Red just so you guys know whats wrong with this rune. Since you guys can't actually play the game and realize why people quit this game(note it has something to due with the feeling of helplessness against a unit that has ghostly visage and is played in a split deck giving it tough and ghost along with plenty of stuff to die and plenty of healers. Your welcome for all the new players you will retain due to not facing a rune that is legit a 86 nora(was buffed too LMAO) catch 22. So yeah In case people wanted to know how I would infact nerf this rune, I wouldn't I would deleate its format just as fast as you deleated bastions formatt for being in the "dog suckdom era"
Oh please get out of here with that sht. Its flying its arrow eating and its cheaper than a mortar crew and it carries games from its mechanics alone. How about we give high mason his charge+ broken ability+ scaling late game. I mean the guy has mason and 4 speed. It totally wouldn't be OP.
So... 90 nora unit with 35 hp and 5 speed... ... is giving you trouble? I could explain why this unit definitely doesn't need a nerf, rather a redesign, but I think I'll leave it like this.
Death-benefit FW-SP with Aspect of Chaos+Ghostly Visage? Hmm, brilliant EDIT: Anotherblackman, it seems to me that you get rogue'd. You know what "rogue" decks are, right?
Reading the title, I assumed this was a buff thread. I feel a curious medley of confusion and amusement.
Nerf AOC into the ground; its a cancer. If it ever became viable in a normal game, it would be nerfcried like crazy. Redesign or shoebox the thing, because it promotes a game style that is the bane of anything resembling fun or skill
It's signature ability is crazy enough that people periodically bring it out in abusive split decks. @Ballballer is right. It should be nerfed into the ground until redesigining it is a real option.
Maybe something like this? Aspect of Chaos DMG: 12 SPD: 6 RNG: 1-1 DEF: 1 HP: 52 (47 nora with size; based off of cyclops primal) Base Abilities: Adept Arcanist (4 nora) Eternal Storm (25 nora) (When this unit comes into play, it deals 8 damage to a random opposing champion within 5 spaces. At the beginning of each turn afterwards, this champion deals 8 damage to a random opposing champion within 5 spaces, randomly chosen from the following types: fire, frost, magic, sonic, electricity, disease, poison, and psychic.) Flight (6 nora) UP 1: Electricity Aura 2 (4 nora), Overload (5 nora), Absorb (8 nora) UP 2: Spellswallower (6 nora), Council: Spells (10 nora), Weaken Spells (8 nora) 92 nora – 100 nora
I think the problem with the rune is 1) It has a scaling damage ability 2) Can sit back literally all 6 spaces because it has arrow eater 3) Soul siphon makes 35 hp pointless 4) It has repulsion for kicks if you ever try and engage in melee The rune has been nerfed, and nerfed, and nerfed, the rune is broken in splits always has been, in full faction sp it's still very very good in a bg built around it. I'm glad players like @Ballballer @doubtofbuddha are willing to actually look at the rune rather than see another dumb post by the ultimate is zealot. The rune is problematic and I put it in the realm of bgs like chopping block bgs, few counters always annoying to play against.