Bought a Truck and a Fifth Wheel...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Sokolov, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

  2. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    How is your family enjoying the new lifestyle?
  3. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    The sisters probably will become lifetime friends because of it. That's a great benefit imo.
  4. Braxzee

    Braxzee I need me some PIE!

    Yessa I really know what the cold does to someone :)
  5. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I have been posting pics to Discord as it's easier.

    It's been awesome. We are about to cross the border into Canada to visit my mom and my brother.

    Also bought some land in Texas. Will be putting in some RV hookups to park there sometimes in the winter when we can't do as much traveling.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2022
    Bushido likes this.
  6. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    How did you manage with the gas changes
  7. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I don't know what this means.
  8. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    I mean the gas prices there close to tripled considering your not working or working on the road it must be quite a pinch for you

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