Can we walk about Catharsis Bloom?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Truce, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Yes, you did. It's always nice to sse someone own up to it. I forgive you.
    Any of the ideas I proffered on adjusting the rune seem reasonable to you or would you like to play with it first?
  2. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    When utilizing text as the means of communicating on the interwebs it is often necessary to indicate sarcasm.

    Text tends not properly capture many of the nuances of the spoken word.
    StupidJerk and Grillado like this.
  3. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Yeah, right.
    badgerale likes this.
  4. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Specially for skeezick furnace. amiright?
  5. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Were you being sarcastic? The interweb reference threw me. I had to check with my buddy Al Gore who invented the internet. He said it's the same thing only I might not get all the jokes.
    StupidJerk, Etherielin and Dagda like this.
  6. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    (sarcasm on) I agree, because shadow spawned relics with an area of effect heal, that continuously replicates itself, that is easy to identify its placement, in a game that just had its damage reduced across the board making healing a lot more impactful and generally more costly on champs that have forms of heal, on a cheap relic like catharis bloom that can be placed in your shrine on your first turn, is SOOOOOOOO easy to prevent from getting rolling. (sarcasm off)

    There isn't a discussion to be had. re read my sarcastic comment and weep. I won on so many levels it hurts, including dialogue. there are more ways than one to communicate and to make a point.

    My comment - 'that continuously replicates itself' your comment 'whether the individual relics should replicate'
    My comment - 'on a cheap relic' your comment - 'That leaves how much nora'
    My comment -'area of effect heal' your comment - ' how much healing'

    I already made all but one of your points before you made them, despite the fact that im a brick wall and apparently not skilled enough to make such judgements. that makes, what does that make you?, a very fitting question.

    Bandwagon indeed.
  7. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!

    I agree that the relic has too much for what it costs. However, you're contributing nothing to the conversation, and nobody's impressed.
  8. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    A reminder of my suggestion: would making it possible to cut any consecutive healing from Catharsis Bloom by half make it easier to deal with (that means the heals wouldn't happen all at once, but one after another)
  9. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    I contribute nothing, but you agree with it. not contradictory at all, and im not so stupid as to look to impress anyone on an online forum.
  10. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!

    That would simply be too difficult to utilize, in my opinion. If they happened sequentially, how would it decide which champion gets the full heal, and which gets the reduced ones? If it's range-based, what about when there's multiple champions at the same range? The only thing that makes sense is a random factor, like Kill Frenzy when engaged to multiple foes and similar effects. It would simply be too unpredictable to be appealing.
  11. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!

    It really seems like you're trying to impress somebody. If it isn't any of us, I can only guess that your whole family is crowded around your monitor, egging you on as you sarcastically deride people on an online forum.
  12. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    you really are laughable. after making a point you stupidly contradicted, you turn to derogatory insults and I am the one with problems.
  13. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!

    I contradicted nothing. You were not the first in this thread to suggest that Catharsis Bloom is too powerful; that is the subject of the thread, and I was stating my agreement with it. What I do not agree with is your use of it to attack somebody who was contributing to the conversation. It wasn't my intention to white knight for anybody, but I can tell you that you aren't showing any of us anything we haven't seen before.
  14. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    actual stating my agreement with the OP is contributing and stating why is contributing. the owls need to know if people agree and why just because ONE person says something is so, doesn't make it so. and you did contradict yourself im afraid. Also I did no such thing as attack somebody, in fact read the whole convo, egami attacked me. not the other way around. but good job on keeping to your name sake as you are also not showing any of us anything we haven't seen before.
  15. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!
    Really? Looks to me like he made a blanket statement directed at nobody in particular, and you decided to be a prick.
  16. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    you need to understand sarcasm. its not an attack on an individual just as political satire isn't although it can be. you need to grow up if you call that a personal attack.

    ^ this is a personal attack. again you fail.
    egami likes this.
  17. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    Easiest fix for Catharsis Bloom: How much is the most you would be willing to pay for what it does...45? 40? 35?
    In other words, change cost to shoebox value -5.
  18. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I am not sure you're clear on the meaning of the word "fail". I blame the policy of social promotion in our school systems today.

    I am fine with tweaking it but it would be nice if it doesn't just get shoeboxed. The question is whether it's an efficiency issue (cost-related) or an impact issue (adjusting healing level/duration/spawn rate/etc.). Truce's point that you get an almost guaranteed return even if it gets killed in the next turn is a good one; it might even be interesting to toy around with waiting a round to activate but I have no idea if it would kill its playability and how to tweak that to make it a valued rune still. However, I would say Truce may have gone a little demogogic with his presentation. I still see this relic as the reason you are supposed to run detection, area attack champs and/or AoEs and it gets pretty easily dealt with if any of those are in play. I have been primarily watching KF games to relearn the game and it just gets dealt with pretty handily in most games. The main thing is how it interacts with units that maximize HP gains like Colossal Boa (which, like a few champs, should probably get slapped with healing deficiency and a cost adjust).
  19. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    30 Nora. 6 Heal. No Shadowspawn.
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  20. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    why not just no shadowspawn? thats a big change in itself. if its still problematic after that then nerf again.

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