i was in a game with my alt, a few turns in and i pressed escape to bring up the in game menu in order to quit the game as i had so lost but the escape key didnt do anything, did not bring up the menu. i closed pox with the x top right, it closed right away so i dont think pox had crashed. also after the escape key did not work i pressed end turn which worked and changed it to their turn so the client was functioning. when back in windows i opened up the windows start menu and pressed escape to check my escape key worked - it did and the start menu closed. made it look like i ragequitted but i didnt, something i do at times tho.
this is still happening after patch, happened today. i played a few ranked in client, then clicked to observe a game, it went in i watched a little ten tried to press escape button to get out, it didnt work, no menu appeared. i had to close pox with x top left.
i checked today and my escape button does not work in game, it does not bring up the menu. my escape button works fine out of game. i havent been playing much in a month+ so its likely this problem has been there since i posted this thread. anyone else getting this problem? because it needs fixing.
I get this problem occasionally, but once I exit the current game I am observing or playing, it works fine again. No idea about the cause.