Hello everyone still on Pox!!! I'm a returning player who played off and on throughout the years, but it's been over a year since I last got on and was wondering what my favorite factions meta was looking like atm. The majority of my collection is FW and UD with about 3 times as many FW so I'd really appreciate some insight and/or examples of FW meta Bgs, budget or not doesn't matter. I'd be interested in fun FW/UD split Bgs too, I used to be interested in blood magic
hey joseph, you'll find the active playerbase in the poxnora discord: https://discord.gg/hk5nFyD there you'll be able to ask anything you want from a non fw player, I'll list you some meta options (no order), keep in mind that I most likely am missing something Wandering zombie Utterdark shadecaster Obsidian venger fleshblight zombie eye of serkan golden lamia serkan xulos bone circle archmage genesis lich skeletal lerper arroyo riftlord bloodbinder count risen moga lichling mobilization essence drain steal life soulreave ancient's protection elsari bazaar bone mine banner pestilence soul reaver also here's a video with Ac3king that is one of the best FW players rn:
I did join the discord, I'm Warrior_joe_dirt on there!! I ended getting some assistance from Macca for all my FW decks. I've started exploring FS now and made myself a Mirefolk that I'm enjoying. Might need help with mynext build. Considering getting the collective pre-built to start with next
I'd say fw isn't viable, I would try another faction. Most of the other factions have something viable, but I would stay away from kf as well