heroic achievements seem to be broken for me too. I tried waiting 5 minutes during one of my turns, specifically the achievements I've tried this week are: deploy 2 or more champs with amplify, deploy 4 or more champs with attack fire or attack frost, and deploy 2 or more champs with a nova ability. I tried them during the daily skirmish matches and during regular skirmish battles.
it is broken. Not working for me, also mu brother having problems and some dudes in the guild. Didnt count the games played (more then 5 min!)
Apparently, there is a conflict with the tournament system and the game calendar and for some reason popped up after the Heroic reset, but resolved itself on Monday. We are looking into this further in the event this is tied to being close to the end of the year.
I have problem with interactions achievement(play a deck with 6 or more chemps with an ability that has relic in it).I have 7 champions wit that ability in my deck(arrowsinger,fae enchantress,2xMinotaur sentry,salaman traper and 2xskeezick machinist) and I have played rounds for more than 5 min and the system won't count my rounds.Did I do something wrong or is it the system fail?
Can you try with abilities that have relic in the name? like: relocate relic, relic guardian, detonate relic, reclaim relic etc https://poxbase.com/search/relic
Thank you, It works now but in the future devs needs to add better info cuz I was confused by the relic picture
Hmm, what achievements are you having this problem with? It is likely just a specific achievement because we just tested the system and as a whole the Heroic Achievements are working.
Well, I thought it was an interface bug, but it seems not. I have played tons of games, but my "Play a deck with at least 5 champions with Initiative." is stuck at 3/40. I really wanted the money to buy that last christmas packs ;_;
same here it is heroic with haste, stall, invorgerate etc and my brother stuck with charge, empower, initiative etc.
I have issues with the Racial Preference, For the Tundra, Going Green, and The Empire heroic achievements. I did not have these problems before. They either popped up after your hotfix or somewhere around that time; and before that, I was able to complete them just fine. Spoiler: Screenshot: The problem here is that For the Tundra and The Empire achievements are exactly the ones I WASN'T putting effort towards yet (I was doing the other 2 first). They've somehow been completed regardless (I don't know whether I got the gold or not). Also, the other 2 have been stuck at 6/10 progress ever since these broke and I haven't been able to complete them even though I've played more than 4 extra matches that would've fulfilled the requirements. If this bug wasn't here, I'd have been able to buy 1 more holiday pack with the gold. In fact, I had focused/planned my play time around that fact, and now I can't get to 8000 gold in time. I hope that I will either receive the gold in time to buy a holiday pack with it, or receive a holiday pack otherwise. I think this is fair.
Also, I think the last 4 or 5 heroic sets have been as follows: 2 or 3 consecutive quest sets like the one above (For the Tundra and the other 3), even though they're supposed to be random, then one set was different, and now I'm back to the racial one. At this point, I don't think the selection is random. Nor does it seem to be built for variety. Idk.