Kalasle's FF Tier List -- PS4 -- 8/30/17

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kalasle, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    I've tried running AoE heavy ST BG and it's alright. The thing is champs like Frostseer are better without Avalanche since it makes them 6-7 nora more expensive. Frost BGs work better when you have a bunch of cheap champs.
  2. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    I'd have another look at draksar. IMO tier 1 - got an amazing ranged champ is shifter is crazily good.
  3. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    They're good, but if we are calling BGs with Jelly Overmind Tier 1 then Draksars certainly aren't. And honestly I'm finding Skeezick stronger than draks atm, people just haven't realized how efficient some of them are yet.
  4. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    I've played against Draksar 4-5 times and I do not think they are tier 1. They might be like a handful of buffs away from Tier 1 though.
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Yeah it's entirely possible I'm overreacting to the new bolter and the shifter buff.
  6. Aquifn

    Aquifn Member

    I'm returning after several years away, and was pointed towards this thread as to what I should consider playing for ST. First, thank you for making and maintaining this thread. Second, is the thread only meant for dedicated players? I don't understand any of the terms you use. Literally the entire T1 section is super uninformative. Worms? De'lim?

    You also use the term 'Junk' constantly, but I have no clue what that refers to. Just throw anything in from the faction?

    Not trying to attack the post, I like the idea and concept. I just don't understand the basic terms. I'm guessing new players have the same issue, and a thread like this would be a lot more useful to people trying to figure out what they want to try in the game, if they could understand it.

    Also, does anyone have any suggestions for ST? I'm trying to make my old frost decks work, tweaking stuff, adding new things, ecta, but I keep getting slammed. Everything I have seems to cost a lot compared to other factions, while being slower and doing less damage in general. I do understand I just need to get back into the swing of things, trying to keep champs below 75 and all that, but whats strong in ST right now, and what's weak? If anyone knows, I'd really appreciate it. Sadly the faction forums seem extremely dead
  7. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    The general target audience is people who are getting into competition, and are still forming opinions about it -- as a reference for them. Even so, I would like to be helpful to newer or returning players, so thanks for the feedback!

    "De'lim" refers to a deck that uses runes with "Devotee of De'lim" along with Plants in order to trigger it. It's a themed deck within KF that usually plays for a high-resource environment, and wants the game to go long so they can get there. "Worms" refers to the Creeper theme in FW -- runes with Race: Worm, specifically those with the Necrosis ability. It's a super-late-game FW deck built around their unique mechanic that lets them expand their Shrine Deployment Zone (SDZ) from the starting 3 tiles.

    "Junk" is just one of several terms for the put-a-bunch-of-good-cards-together decks. You might have heard them called meta, or goodstuff, or kitchen sink decks. These are sometimes considered generic, but their general goal is to put runes that are individually good into a cohesive BG that has no key-word theme or anything of the like. These have been a staple of Pox and many other games for a long, long time.

    As for ST, Frost and Beasts are both strong themes right now. If you want to run Junk, it would probably look something like a full Frost deck, probably with other things sprinkled in.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    Fentum and Aquifn like this.
  8. Aquifn

    Aquifn Member

    Thanks so much for the response.
  9. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    After all this time and I still can't find leoss on the list. Please kal!! Ik you don't want to do every possible deck but you can't just leave leoss out :'(

    Edit:I don't even care that it's outdated
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  10. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    they're shi-t
  11. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    That means yer even more Bane Shift since they keep beating yo ****
    Qucas and NevrGonaGivUup like this.
  12. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Do you even read.

    If it's not on the list, it's tier 1.5
  13. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    I do, and I disagree, leoss is tots tier 1!!!

    Do you even get a joke?
  14. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    On Leoss:

    Tier 1.5

    Until further notice, that's my placement for all the Maljara themes.
  15. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    I no longer love you!! Once I'm back home I'll prove you wrong
  16. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Going to try to update this for Planar Disturbances, but it will be tough. Lots of stuff seems good right now -- Foul Rite, Voil, worms, IS, Magic, UD, the list goes on.
  17. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Do people suddenly perceive SP as a top-dog faction? Why? What changed?
  18. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    Ppl woke up?
    BurnPyro and SPiEkY like this.
  19. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Yeah, I'm curious if this is just a matter of representation and perception, or if some runes changed either in SP or around SP which altered its real position.
  20. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    In terms of overall faction strength, FW is clearly in the lead with SP in second place

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