League of Legends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TeaNinja, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    Well, we need a League of Legends thread so here it is. Hopefully I can play with some of you there when I'm not playing Pox.

    Username: Hekatian
    Main Role(s): Top/Jungle

    If you want to try League of Legends, please sign up using my referral link here. It helps me a lot, thank you!
    rickyjpen likes this.
  2. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    Unlocked Hecarim the other day, love dat pony. Nothing cooler than Devastating Charge + Ghost half-way across the map to gank.

    Unlocked Dr. Mundo because I like to tank. We'll see how that goes.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
  3. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    I remember that xD I was just too new since Jungle is a little less straight forward than laning in Top/Mid/Bot. But hen I unlocked Elise and started jungling with her and it's been one of my favorite roles ever since!

    I've never used Shyvana but I feel like I'll unlock her someday.

    I like Ryze, though I have never used Katerina. I'm in Bronze III and I have not faced Ryze or Katerina in any of my last 10 games, so I'm not sure.

  4. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl


    Why not come back to the Poxnora group, BK?
    Grand General Mosh likes this.
  5. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    Haha I forgot LoL has groups, and that there is a Poxnora group. I'll pay a visit today.

    Also, hi fireball! I didn't recognize you.
  6. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    I play LoL sometimes, but there are a few things you should know before you decide to invite me.

    1. I play with locked camera on. I find it disorienting to play with it off, and it's incredibly stupid to have to move the map around WHILE you move your champion just to keep him in view. I'm not planning on changing this aspect any time soon.

    2. I lose 90% of the games I play on purple side. Doesn't matter what lane, who I play, etc. If I'm on purple side, we're probably gonna lose.

    3. I don't smartcast my abilities, except when I'm playing heavily burst-oriented champs (e.g. Ryze, Riven, Syndra). I prefer the greater accuracy and adjustability of non-smartcasting.

    4. I've only played one ranked game in my entire LoL career. I hate ranked, I hate everything about ranked, I hate what it does to people, etc. You're not going to get me into ranked lobby no matter how hard you beg me.

    5. I can't play with Skype open, nor any other kind of voice chat function. My computer simply can't handle it. And no, I'm not springing for a new computer just for LoL.

    6. Just like in Pox, I don't play any kind of FoTM champs, or champs that are considered OP, abusive, toxic, etc. This means no Renekton, no Shyvana, no Leona, no Riven, no Kha'zix, no Caitlyn, no Nidalee, no Thresh, no Ziggs, no Gragas, no Lee Sin, no Jinx, and no Vi. The champs I prefer to play are Viktor, Nautilus, Morde, Malzahar, Swain, Vlad, Zilean, Talon, and Nunu. I've also been known to dabble in Galio, Gangplank, and LeBlanc (who I don't consider FoTM, because I played her before she was cool).

    7. I'd prefer to go either mid or support, but I've recently started getting into jungling as well (mind you, I'm still a noob, especially when it come to jungling, but I've had lots of fun with Nunu jungle).

    If you can get past all of that, then I'd love to play with you guys some time! IGN is MadHobbit2.
    TeaNinja likes this.
  7. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl

    :eek: Jazz I never knew you were MadHobbit lol.
    JazzMan1221 and TeaNinja like this.
  8. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    Hey Jazz, I don't smart-cast at all so I can relate to that. I tried unlocking my camera too and I didn't like it. But then I found that unlocking the camera and just using your left thumb (if right handed) to tap the space bar to center your camera on your champion to be so much more engaging.
  9. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    There was a time when nobody knew (his friends yes of course) who was jazzman, I was concerned because he was the main tortun reference atm and I was just starting, and he always refused to tell, untill one day, somebody recognized him for a particular bg (SP/FW instagib) and reclaimed a prize for it. Jazzman gave him a broken bones, but he posted the trade in that thread, to the public, and everyone went through that link and discovered who was the guy behind uncle sam's avatar.

    JazzMan1221 and rickyjpen like this.
  10. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I play LoL as well

    Add me same name: rickyjpen

    TeaNinja likes this.
  11. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    Any other high plat / low diamond players on EUW(orst)?

    I'd like some people to duo queue with occasionally ...

    I don't really main any role any more. I almost always just fill in ranked, although my weakest is probably adc.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  12. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    ohai I play this too. Silver, so I'm not the best in the west, but I still play.
    Name: PurpleTop
    Main role: ADC

    Been rocking sivir real hard as of recent. Also dabble with Cait and Lucian. Graves is my bud, but I find he delivers a little less than sivir or cait so I rarely use him in ranked. I'm the ADC for my ranked team which I am on with my roommates. The biggest reason I love sivir so much is because of that ultimate. It gives utility that is simply unmatched and has so many good uses.

    When I don't ADC I usually jungle with Pantheon, evelyn or volibear... and sometimes elise.

    Got Vel'Koz on release and tried him a bunch in mid, but I really don't like him that much.
    TeaNinja likes this.
  13. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl

    BurnPyro? I don't know his name on EUW, but I think he's up there.
  14. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Isn't Hash also a limey Brit?

    Brits come from Europia, rite?
  15. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    hash is definitely NA
  16. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl

  17. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    lots of adjectives to choose from, but only one stark reality
  18. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Pantheon in the jungle ftw!
  19. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    whoa jazz i just read your post all the way through... You use the camera lock? How do you see what is going on in other lanes? How can you hope to land a gank like that? There is no way you could ever use shen, TF or pantheon like that. This will definitely hold you back man, you gotta go without the camera lock.

    also LeBlanc is OP
  20. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    You also realise you lose on purple side BECAUSE of locked camera, right?

    I mean, as long as you know, we're cool. If you don't want to learn/improve there's nothing wrong with that, some people are happy just to game!

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