"To fight rashly is to place the very essence of your being at the mercy of your body. To fight wisely is to arm your strength with your mind." - Menalaus, High Mage Menalaus (108-111 nora) Base Stats 11, 7, 5-7, 1, 51 (81 nora) Limit: 1 Race: Elf Class: Wizard, Priest Size: 1x1 Base Abilities Attack Magical (2 nora) Hero (0 nora) Immunity Magical (7 nora) Opposing Viewpoints (0 nora) Regen 2 (5 nora) Shielded (3 nora) Upgrades UG 1 - Forest Exploit (7), Healing Mind (6), Teleport 1 (6) UG 2 - Debilitate (6), Grant Magical Aura (6), Illuminate (4)