Cant really see it in the picture I posted but I have a beard and people say it makes me look a lot older. Im only 31 and people sometimes say I look 40 or up.
^ above reminds me of a twitch clip I saw where the guy talked about having 5 guys in him. And then he went on that apparently it wasnt healthy to have another 5 guys in him, y'know.
light blue-greish...dont even know how to call the color honestly. on documents i went for light blue.
My Harry Dresden cosplay so far. Missing a few items like the necklace and shield bracelet. Have a staff, but not in picture.
Since I am the last standing IS player, I will claim my throne as best IS player in 2021 and bump this thread. P.s. still not as buff as Axeraiser but at least I ain't @BurnPyro skinny