With everything going on in Ukraine, surprised there is no thread about this. I've been a big supporter of Ukraine since the start of this war, as many of my family live there. I actually had a distant cousin killed recently whom I had stopped talking to (he was a **** in Azov battalion). One thing that has confused me is how to support Ukraine and not support nazism at the same time. According to many reputable sources (1 of many example): (sources https://inews.co.uk/news/world/ukra...t-russia-champions-ultra-nationalists-1532056) Ukranian Nazid are a vital part of the military defense of Russia. It makes sense that many ultra national socialists would defend their country, while women, children, and the disabled who typically are less radical would flee. I do not doubt the claim that Azov Nazis are in fact defending the west EU from invasion. So my personal conundrum (not sure if anyone can relate) is how do I support an army that clearly is filled with Nazis, when it goes against the narrative that I am used to? I think we need to stop Putin at all costs, and so maybe the good out weighs the bad here. After all, Russia is filled with nazism itself according to similar reputable sources. But Russis is an authoritarian dictatorship that is against things like LGBT. What will happen when Russia invades Poland next (we all know it's inevitable). While Ukraine has a history of fascism and nazism, Poland has a history of liberal western values, and a large percent of the population would be arrested (or worse, put into gulags similar to what happens in Russia). That is why I think we must unite and give support to Ukraine, even if we know they identify as basically Thanos. It's for the good of democracy we support these nazis. In fact, many prominent leaders have gone as far as to say, azov nazis are not anti semitic (even though they bear swastikas and other **** symbols) . Israel itself is actually over of the largest supporters (https://imemc.org/article/israel-is-arming-ukraines-blatantly-neo-****-militia-the-azov-battalion/). What an interesting timeline! To think nazis would defend freedom of speech and the persecution of the vulnerable would be unimaginable just 1 year ago! Thoughts?
The ironic thing about the word **** is that Nazis themselves did not go by that name, and in fact used the word NSDAP. The word **** is actually a derogatory term in and of itself from the words Sozi and Ignatz (basically means ignorant). It being censored has an extra layer of irony if you understand the history of the word, as it is technically an insult against nazis.
Irony that Russia invading Ukraine because nazis they do know Neo **** are everywhere right? Heck like 30% of Americans on the right are basically acting like Neo **** by being authoritarian at least 1-5% are actually Nazis
I don't even think 1% of people are nazis. Whites dont even make up 1% of the prison population, and that's the only place in America where nazism exists besides in extremely small groups. The reason is quite simple, most groups that are attracted to nazism in America get swallowed up by Christian separatist movements, because they have the numbers. Not sure about Europe tho. I know that Ukraine has a much bigger national socialist scene in part because of proximity to Albania, and in part because of it being an eastern Bloc country. As far as right wingers being authoritarian, I really don't see that. It's usually left wing that has tried to enforce mask mandates, gun restrictions, and government shutdowns. Going further, they also promote sexual orientation education in public schools, and mass immigration, which are two forms in which they excercise their authority to impose their will on the populace. Right wingers are generally very libertarian people. The only thing they seem authoritarian about is religion.
Where in the world do you get this stuff? I know you don't care about facts or whatever, but I would be concerned if I was saying stuff that was so far off base from measurable reality - this isn't a difference of opinion or whatever - and one has to wonder how many of your opinions are based on ideas that are absolutely counter-factual. Federal Prisons Source: https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_race.jsp
Im speaking specifically about California and Texas, where neo nazis actually have a real precense (very small compared to other gangs). 1% is an exaggeration, I was just trying to illustrate how unlikely 1% of people are nazis when they don't really exist outside of prison systems. I'd estimate maybe 20% of whites are prisoners in California / the south west let me know what ur graph says tho by all means. I also don't trust other people to measure reality, as I have made clear. I wish people could respect that position I take, as I respect your views. But this isn't the point I was trying to make, I was really just saying that neo nazism is not a real threat, ESPECIALLY in America. Neo nazism only exists in prisons right now, and it's not a huge influence outside of a few states. Christian separatists are a far bigger threat organizationally speaking. In Ukraine it is much different, because historically there is a greater tie to national socialist Germany, and because Albanian mafias are dominant and spread the imagery. I think it's misguided to compare nazism in Eastern Ukraine to America, because it's like comparing a rain drop to a flood.
I think in politics that clear cut good/bad or good/evil choices are almost non existent. Humans, as a rule, want to do good. It's just that we disagree with how to do it. The problem is that the group think that happens in the media, or on social media, will frame and reframe things so that it appears a clear choice; good-evil, black-white. This is what people want - we like to talk politics, to take a side, but we don't really like the idea that we could be wrong. So all nuance is removed, and any evidence that disrupts our chosen narrative is passed over. With the Ukraine war I do get the feeling that there is a side of it that I'm not hearing about. The suppression of ethnic Russians in the east is never exactly denied by the British media, nor is a fascist element within the Ukrainian military. But if the war was really about protecting ethnic Russians (or Russian speakers) then I have a hard time squaring that with the wider invasion of Ukraine - why not then not limit the invasion to the separatist areas, which presumably could have been achieved by now. The narrative within Russian also seems to have changed from protection of ethnic Russians to the supposed 'oneness' of Ukraine with Russia. It does begin to seem more to me an imperialistic move.
The western propaganda machine is the most powerful in the world. The Chinese and Russian propaganda power is nothing in comparison size and influence wise. That being said, if I had to guess, this is likely a war over resources or strategic control for future resources, and neither side really cares about the people.
It's also a big jab at, supposedly, the Neoliberal ideological status quo, assuming that Russia of course offers something different and isn't just boasting in martial & theatrical pathos.