The equip "Covenant" still gives blessed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Osidan, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I agree with salt (though I'd mention it wasn't specifically toward just you), I challenge the "incoherent" part.

    Regeneration being a Draksar defining sort of thing (or whether it should be) has always been disputed both directions, by SL players and non-SL players alike.

    The reason why some dispute it being a trademark of sorts for the Draksar is that it doesn't seem specific enough - it's too generic (I am in this camp too btw). More than that, the faction bonus if more about being tanky/having hard skin, though admittedly they work together.
    But if you were specifically referring to Draksar as the race, not the faction, then what do you think about Violent? Many players had come to view that as the racial for a long while. Until IS got it, funny enough.

    Now, another thing to consider is that SL and IS have considerable overlap. SL is tanky and heals back up while having plenty of anti-magic, IS is resistant to magic while being tanky and having ways to heal and get tankier. That's pretty much what they do. Based on their similarities, if Regeneration fits one of them, it probably fits the other too. Gameplay wise they'd work out very much the same.

    Also, as both of these factions grew, they started taking up more design space around them. And since they both started from fairly similar concepts, overlapping with each other even MORE was inevitable.

    I agree that it is unusual to see Regeneration in other places than in Draksar, but it is because it hasn't been done much, not because it doesn't make sense; we're just not used to seeing Regeneration in other places. But there ARE other places where it makes sense gameplay wise and where it makes sense flavor wise.
    DarkJello likes this.
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Your means of communication was incoherent, your underlying point had some order to it.

    IS and SL are similar, but I have felt like Regen was a serious difference between them: it was SL embracing the Change and what it brings, instead of rejecting it. So they certainly have mechanical overlap, but IS approached their durable, heal-focused through active healing and physical armor (high base DEF, Resistance abilities, etc), and generally opposed heal use of magic, as shown by things like their faction bonus or Spell Ward. Inversely, SL uses more natural, biological means of defense, including passive Regeneration for their healing, and scales for their armor; they use their faction bonus against opposing physical attacks, and remain more action-neutral for spell casting. That's how I've seen it, at any rate. So, within that context, Regeneration on Talgar, or any IS unit for that matter, seems off.
  3. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    Emergency kit (FS equipment) gives rover speed
    doubtofbuddha likes this.
  4. Iskandak

    Iskandak The King of Potatoes

    Agreed, give IS reconstitute instead.
    On topic.
    Sry got sidetracked
    Re on topic. Talgar having regeneration doesnt mean all IS got regen. And for some reason he gets changed every expansion so dont worry. Next time he might have... I dont know... Reconstitute
  5. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    I wish theyd hire you to write the lore Kal. It would be so good, i have absolute faith.

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