Vindrax Needs a Change

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PentiumHosz, Dec 21, 2024.

  1. PentiumHosz

    PentiumHosz The King of Potatoes

    Vindrax is kinda boring. Something is missing. Weak to magic is kinda not that cool. There is lot's of magic damage champs.

    It's not just that. A aoe attack is nice good damage and all. But there is ways around that. Other heroes are just better. And do lots of cool stuff. Look at IS heroes Talgar Euan. Can fight in close or range. To some extent.
    Take away resistance to Physical make it like Tuff 2 Void Shield. Even One with nora are cool But not sure. Keep the AOE attack. Remove 1 rank resistance to Physical. Remove weak vs magic. Add at least 2 more moves it can do. Not sure what. Thinking some sort of attack move. Frightful blows would be nice. Keep surge of dragon. Bonesplitter Maul is not used maybe some small bonus on Vindrax would be nice. So players can at least get some use from it. I am not say give Vindrax tuff void shield and One with nora there just examples.

    I have an idea that works Fascinate. Then the AOE Acid Bomb would be better then hit 1 champ. Or 2 if lucky. Any more then that is nice.

    So this is just an idea Vindrax

    Attack 15 Resistance to Physical rank 2 Tuff 2 Void Shield or One with nora Scale Armor Also
    Speed 7 Fascinate Frightful blows When equ with Bonesplitter Maul gain Perseverance or Zeal def
    Range 1 prefer 1-2
    Defense 2 Defense 3 would be nice
    HP 60 is fine

    This would make Vindrax Less boring. It's a tank dragon but Fascinate with AOE might work better.
    Vindrax is not a bad champ. Just kinda boring. Needs something to make it fun. Thirst for battle would be nice. But that's kinda powerful maybe. I want new build that might work well. Touch of Vindrax Spell needs to do something nice for Vindrax only. Same with Clutch of Vindrax Relic. Not sure yet.

    So any ideas people for Spell Touch of Vindrax A Effect for Vindrax only. And same with Clutch of Vindrax.
    both need a rework. Fascinate Frightful blows and Acid Bomb Rank 3 would be nice Even if resistance to Physical was dropped to 1 rank only. Enough about Vindrax for me for today. I don't want a overpowered champ. I want a fun champ that's more useful in other ways.
  2. mightychin

    mightychin The King of Potatoes

    Id be happy if he just lost the weakness to magic

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