Rewarding creative bgs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by super71, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Can we start rewarding players not running boring ass metas please. Played 3 games today in ranked 2 of them were using barbarians, the game has gotten stagnant in the worst way. All I see is elves, barbarians, and lonx now. When I first came back after gedden did the re-vamp even though everyone hated it almost every theme was playable, now we have like 2 themes per faction and then metas.

    Maybe start making daily achievements or heroic achievements based on the meta scale charts sok always loves to use ? Make a daily like use a rune that isn't in the current meta 20 times, or use 4 champs that aren't in meta bgs.
    Sphere8274 likes this.
  2. noamkeren

    noamkeren I need me some PIE!

    In PvP!
  3. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Give it a week. Construct decks are coming.
  4. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Yea I should be rewarded for not playing OP stuff, instead of being called bad.

    I am bad though.
    Ifem21 and Willow like this.
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    buff skeezick
    Sphere8274 and Sealer0 like this.
  6. R334P3R

    R334P3R I need me some PIE!

    People play meta wether it's a theme or not. People like to win, and copy what's winning. It doesn't matter how balanced things are that's just how it is. And themes are way worse then junk Bgs, since they are basicly prebuilt for you, causing predictability and stagnation almost instantly.

    I love creative deck building, if you wander over to the split bg forums you will find I am quickly starting to fill it up with my quirky ideas, and I post in others threads frequently if they are doing something neat. The reward for creativity is the same as it always has been. You get satisfaction of doing something cool, and sometimes you create the new meta. You fight back against the boredom.

    I do hate it when combos get removed, nerf them if they are to strong, but stop destroying them. All playstyles should be roughly equal, trick, junk, and themes should all be viable, as well as the playstyles within like rush, attrition, tempo, control, super champ, cheap meat/horde, and of course my favorite combo.

    I think things are fairly balanced at the moment, and it improves with every patch.

    Tldr: People play and copy what wins. You can be the one to be creative, and sometimes change/create the meta, it can be done. I just ask the devs don't remove combos, they are creative and cool, nerf if need be. Just don't punish creativity. I think things are fairly balanced and they improve with each patch.
  7. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Sok appreciates creativity more than anyone in Pox, so you shouldn't really worry about the game losing it.
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    In fact, he appreciates creativity more than this games balance, thats how much he loves it!
    Anotherblackman likes this.
  9. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    I strongly dislike combo decks. The majority of them are uninteractive, and both boring and tense to play against because of that. It changes a game of positioning and resource management into one where you win if you are able to successfully disrupt your opponent's combo or they screw up or you lose. Not really fun or interesting from my perspective.
  10. R334P3R

    R334P3R I need me some PIE!

    Yes I quoted my self :p anyways...

    I like combos, and it's only fair to appeal to both of us. Nerfs are fine if a combo is to strong, or if its to uncounterable. And it's not that they are not interactive, it's just different type of interaction. I like having to outwit my opponents strategy, figure out what he is doing and stop him, rather than just out position him.

    It puts the focus on deck building, knowledge, and tactics rather then positioning and skirmishes. Both are skills, one is just neglected by many since they don't like having to adapt. A change in the meta is a good thing, not bad.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    Tweek516, Alakhami, Goyo and 2 others like this.
  11. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    I'd rather play against Ballballer's SP Meta than play Zeya's Superchamp shenanigans or against Hphuuong's incorporeal Aspect of Chaos BG.

    Also, there's like 80-120 players online during normal hours. That's why it seems like there's no diversity. Assuming 50 of those people are in Battlegrounds, that's like 6 people playing each faction. Not gonna be a lot of diversity with low numbers.
    Pattn199 likes this.
  12. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    I would consider this a stronger argument if there weren't thousands of runes. Should any player who wants to be competitive need to know what each rune does and all of the potential combination possibilities? And have counters for them? It makes combo fundamentally unstable and the game unstable as a result.

    Plus there is the fundamental fact that this those of us from a more CCG-focused background (maybe just me. :D) don't even accept the idea that combo (or splits, really) should exist.
  13. R334P3R

    R334P3R I need me some PIE!

    Knowing what each rune does already plays a massive part excluding combos. Knowing the combos are a very small leap. Beeing prepared for X rune type makes you generaly prepared for X combo, reading into how they are playing should give you hints even if you don't actualy know what they are about to do. Examples including Seism/demolish effects, alt damage, magic damage. Cc, or making your deck versatile enough that I can rush if it needs to, or play the long game.

    If you don't know about gale force and cliffing/knockback damage your going to loose to it the first time you run into it. If you don't know that IS can suddenly become immune to ranged damage your in trouble, if you don't know font of restoration can suddenly full heal something you probably screwed up. Knowledge is just as important, and there is just as much of a learning curve with or without combos.

    And it's because of my extensive CCG background that I love combos and splits. Specifically mtg. And this really extends to any game. I have learned to embrace even the things I hate in a game as it makes me a better player.

    More playstyles add depth to the game, the fact that a combo can change how a match is played is amazing! What's best for a multiplayer game? Lots of people. A way to get more people is to appeal to as many of them as you can. I will take creativity, over quick brute force calculations and stale meta any day. When I lose to a combo I always think man that was epic, now what can I do to beat it. Do I just need to play different, or do I need to change my deck or both? It's a fun puzzle.

    @Cydna I would prefer to play agaisnt pretty much the opposite! But I respect what you like as well. That's the point. Personal preference really shouldent factor into this at all. The more people we appeal to the better. The more stuff we have to deal with that we don't like the more we grow as a players.
  14. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    But these are frequently occuring runes. Staples if you will. Combo decks rely on less obvious, prevalent runes, and frequently you have to know you are playing against them almost immediately to have any chance of beating them or have specific runes designed to counter the combo deck or combos in general. Some factions don't even have the right runes to counter them, and so basically you force other people into playing the combo or the counter combo game. So no, these aren't the same thing at all.

    This is not a CCG though. It is a CMG+. Forcing a CCG structure onto it basically is trying to make it into something it should not be.

    You are making a pretty big assumption that combo decks attract more players than they drive me away. You see them as being fun and amazing, I, and other people, based on the responses I see here, see them mostly as being obnoxious and a cost to having to play the game rather than a benefit. I know that every time I have to deal with another bs combo deck, it makes me want to take a brak and drives me one step closer to abandoning the game altogether.

    I basically see them as CCG poison that has happened to infect a game that is very much not a CCG. I have done what I can to minimize their impact on the game and will continue to do so.

    Also my ideal is not necessarily appealing to the maximum number of players. If you do that you get something dumbed down and simplistic.
  15. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    this is just a game balancing issue, people tend to run what doesnt suck. rewarding people for running runes that do, makes no sense.
    you are probably just playing against the same opponents. even tho only like 15% of the decks in the game are decently strong that's still like 15-20 different themes.
  16. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    you play this game like an old person, old people suck at video games. That's also why your awful at assessing runes...
  17. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    The only thing broken combo bg do is force you to build a bg with specific runes to counter that combo unless u want to auto lose to that combo. Over time this "creative" bg style has forced most of the players to a.) dodge your counter or die bullshit bg, b.) copy your bg and troll you with your own combos, or c.) build a bg with nothing but counters to your bg. Everyone else who decided to attempt to build any other kind of fun bg becomes fodder to "creative" combo bullshit. In the case of utterly broken combos which auto win i.e. (kf/sl infestor caca) it takes about three months before the devs realize another pile of poisonous bullshit bg has been flying under the radar and nerf it. Players breathe a sigh of relief and go back to creating mostly healthy bg until the next scumbag comes up with another broken combo.
    doubtofbuddha likes this.
  18. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    aside from exploiting broken mechanics or bugs,
    I pretty much expect my opponents to do everything they can to win,, pox or anything,
    if it wasnt that way,, I wouldnt even play,
  19. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    the real issue here is just game balance. people play crap bgs and wonder why they cant win.
  20. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Your "logic" is just amazing. Nobody ever agrees with one word you type, and with an insane distortion of thought process you assume that you are right and everyone else is wrong. And you don't even accept being wrong, because deep down you know that if you admit it just for once you'll realize all the disparities you say in these forums every single day.

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