Rewarding creative bgs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by super71, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    the game isnt complex just disorganized, inconsistent, and unbalanced.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
  2. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Destronub i've missed you<3
    Destorum likes this.
  3. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    This kind of decks make you play outside of the regular " deploy, Capture nearest font, deploy #2,Capture 2nd nearest font, proceed to take the mid font if any, poke here and there, wait for a slip up and powerturn"

    It makes you wonder "Why isn't my opponent capturing mid font?" "He isn't deploying champions!?"

    Once you have realized what they are doing you proceed to counter and move away from the normal gameplay and either rush their fonts or shrine to counter their strategy. The game is about deception. You have to deceive your opponent. Just because your opponent didn't follow the usual "flow of gameplay," doesn't mean he is cheating etc. It's a strategy game. Learn to counter different stuff man.

    For example I play an interesting KF deck that runs hidden vegetation champs, Hunters charm etc. I at times play normal and other times rush the shrine. When I rush shrine of course the opponent is rushing mine because at this point he has mid font etc. So he proceed to hitting my shrine. I stall it as much as possible while getting my champions in position to take his nearest fonts and rush his shrine. As soon as my opponent thinks he has the win I transfigure, deploy grimplics portal, portal my Avatar to their font away from his units and harm. Deception

    I don't do this too often though because alot of people know what I'm doing and counter me hard. I lose more games than I win doing that, but that one win is so sweet.

    L2P maybe?
  4. Destorum

    Destorum I need me some PIE!

    DW bb I think I might be coming back
    Cydna likes this.
  5. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    theres a place for this and its not ranked. dont tell me to learn2play when you barely know the basics of the games pvp...
  6. Sphere8274

    Sphere8274 The King of Potatoes

    Agree. Thinking uncoventionally is the key to win against these creative bg
    Tweek516, R334P3R and Cinder405 like this.
  7. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    there is a difference between creative decks and cheese/luck/trick decks. There is a reason they patch ipox's decks.

    the game is supposed to be a more complex and fun version of a chess match not rock paper scissors where it's just luck/matchup based and balance is thrown out of the window.

    there are going to be people who disagree tho, 95% of whom probably dont have a grasp on the games competitive pvp.
  8. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Careful guys, mw24 is the all seeing eye. He knows everything. Be careful.

    Thanks for your opinion
  9. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    its not that I know so much, its that players like yourself know so little... thx for the sarcasm tho. smh.
  10. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Goodness, you don't even know me yet you judge me like you play me every day.

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    Leogratz and R334P3R like this.
  11. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    i know that youve never accomplished anything on this games competitive scene which is the only thing I speak on.
  12. Destorum

    Destorum I need me some PIE!

    tbh you havn't either
  13. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

  14. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

  15. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

  16. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    I have to play competitively to know the basics of the game? Your crazy. I need to play competitively in this game to know anything about the game ? Thats propostrous. Whenever your ready in the lobby to play me let me know. Till then just sit down and stay not playing the game (cuz I never see you online unless you have an alt which is pointless) and sharing your opinion about how horrible its balanced.

    End of discussion. Apologies for the derial.

    For those of you who have interesting bgs. Just know that you will lose countless times at times but that doesn't mean the BG failed. Keep being creative and keep playing games.
    R334P3R likes this.
  17. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    stopped reading after this, some people just need to be ignored when it comes to game balance discussions...
  18. Leogratz

    Leogratz Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Well, I'm my opinion patching everything unconventional into oblivion makes up for a stale meta. Some meta BGs have flaws that can be exploited outside conventional play, and that should not only be allowed, but in fact incentived, for it forces the meta BG and the players to evolve.
    Cinder405 and R334P3R like this.
  19. R334P3R

    R334P3R I need me some PIE!

    Only those who have something to prove try to do so. Also small amounts of data mean basically nothing. Especially when such data is intentionally skewed to represent one of your good days when you were crushing scrubs (during 2015 so out of date anyways). 1500 rating is just barely where things start getting really competitive anyways, your an a bit above average player with a huge ego problem. Playing Meta further skews your ability as a player. If you don't want people to criticize you stop attacking other players whos opinions are just as valid if not sometimes more valid then your own.

    Your very quickly starting to look like one of those "people just need to be ignored when it comes to game balance discussions..."

    Have an open mind, use your experience to help people, rather then be stuck up, realize the game is not meant to be played "your way". Accept that some people like creativity, just as others should respect meta and themes.
    Cinder405 and Leogratz like this.
  20. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    He already is mostly ignored when it comes to game balance discussions.
    Cinder405 likes this.

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