Double Protection on AA

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sirius, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    Escape magic > Doom

    Basically just gives the Bear Short Lived but without the 'destruction' part and makes him immune to future doom effects to boot.

    Doom may as well read - after X turns this champ is returned back to owners shrine zone and can't gain short lived.
    TeaScholar and Netherzen like this.
  2. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    So now we are talking about a 250 nora combo? 3 spells on him plus the cost of himself. Wonder what else u can do with 250 nora... hmm wait. I usualky use him with the 20 ap spell and thst berserk boost spell too. So we are talking a 350 nora combo now? That still is only useable 2 turns.lets hope the opponent cant passify him or something similar those two turns.

    And by the way, he is not immobile or stationary, i believe relocation effects do work on him, i may be wrong of course.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
  3. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    deploy bunch of champs that can actualy die,or 2 stitched magearms,sweet sweet magearms
  4. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    No good ideas, not my fault.
    Vote Kanye 2020 likes this.
  5. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Gedden has already admitted to the problem. He himself said Ghost was not created for a combat champ.

    So your choices are:
    1) Put that dreaded champkill ability on it that we reserve for champ design failures when we don't want to correctly fix the mistake.
    2) Remove Ghost.
    3) Change Ghost.
    4) Devastate the champion so much that it's cost does not justify it's deploy (aka shoebox).

    Notice that each reason is either caused by ghost or involves ghost.

    Titans are just a failure to their core. This gamespace just really cannot handle champs that are over 100 nora and worth the deploy.

    They should really be too expensive to competitively play. More of a lore/RP card.

    In short, Titan ability costs 40 nora.
    Goyo likes this.
  6. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    Oh and of those 2 extra turns the double protection spells give him, he can only be incorporal 1 turn, so either he can be killed one of those turns by other dmg type, or he spends that predcious protected turn to run away from danger... maybe better use those 350 nora to deploy 7 faloneer-type champs? For instance could be 2 falconeers, 1 strategists, 1 bard, 2 wild elf, 1 colossal boa - should be 350-noraish
  7. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    So wait, are you telling me you are neglecting the poor elves in purpose to keep the angry bear alive? that's racist!

    Seriously though. If you spend 350 nora worth of spells on a champ to keep it alive and you can wipe the board with that champ alone, there's an issue. I don't understand how you can't see this. It's not like there's a guy currently in limited league running a KF/ST split which solely relies on the avenger and he actually gets to win matches.

    The fact that you can brainlessly get wins while other people have to constantly outplay you to beat just one champ is idiotic, and I'm sure you aware of it.
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  8. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    Yea i think the falconeer is op and the strategist and other relocate champs are ruining strategic aspect and encoourage camping strategy and slow build up play starving out the enemy.

    Dont know about the kf st combo, did not play last few days. Can imagine its stupid considering some of the st protection spells.
  9. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    This is the hardest ive laughed at a post in a long time. Youre right polltroy, its ST's fault. Not KF. Never KF.
  10. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    So what you've saying is that I need to use other OP KF stuff to take him down, so that makes it balanced?

    ptjimbo likes this.
  11. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    If you actually can read what i wrote, you woukd see what i suggested was the 350 ish nora could be better spent on real op kf stuff, i stead of buffing an aa with an enormous amount of spells just to make him take out like one or two enemy champs and then his efrects go out and he can be killed.
  12. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    You could also just spend 2x protection so that he gets protection for 6 rounds (12 turns) and contests your font while being invincible, while you deploy stuff.

    Just saying.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  13. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    So, because other stuff in KF is more OP, AA is fine?

    I'm not following your "logic"
  14. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    Did they change so protection gives invincibility? Thats new to me. I thouht it gives protection against one dmg type, so this thread is about to double protect, giving first protection against magic dmg (when he in incorporal) and next turn whatever other dmg type is first used against him.
  15. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Im done. This dribble is utterly ridiculous and I've never come across someone who is so convinced that his faction is so bad before. Theres only so much idiocy I can handle in one day.
  16. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    My logic is that aa is op a few turns when u spend 250 nora on him with spells, but any good player can usually find better use for that nora, especially if he makes a neta bg with all the ral op kf stuff, like the falconeer, strategist etc (which j would be happy if they would be made somehow to cost more)
  17. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    I did not make this thread... i did not write those things to u. I do like pox as long as its possible to play agressive and win. When this game is just about building up and waitjng for opponent to lose patience amd make misstake, i will quit for sure. Aa is an easy way to play agressive, so i try to defend him in these nerf threads. There are many other tank champs who can be used simolar jn other factions, if buffed with 250 nora spells by the way. But i like tk be able to llay abressive with kf, so thats what j write about.
  18. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    The argument of picking 250 nora or whatever amount of nora in spells over champs is idiotic at best. If you do that you know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it; plus no one is virtually taking into account the fact that it can be buffed as much. There's nothing to defend here. You throw a champ early game against factions that have virtually no counters or have to rely on draws to get rid of it, even as far as to spend more nora than you just getting rid of one champ. I understand it makes things far easier for you and fits your playstyle but it's far from balanced and it should be obviously changed.

    There is no way to justify it's current status regardless of Nora spent on it because it's still as efficient as it can be when everything is used on it. A "few" turns is enough to turn a match the other way around with very little effort on your side.

    Please enlighten me as to how this is not a visible issue.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
  19. polltroy

    polltroy I need me some PIE!

    Well the thread is about buffing with 100 jora of apells and i replied someone who talked about also addjngescape spel.. so thats around 150 nora or so. Then of course most ppl add a time slip or twk plus that aa beeserk spell 1 or 2 times. That easily adds up tk 250 nora or more on spells. This thread is not about aa, its about insane spell buffong aa. Any insane apellbiffed 100+ nora champ is insane good for some turns.
  20. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    jeeperz2 and SPiEkY like this.
  21. TinyPickle

    TinyPickle The King of Potatoes

    For the FW players among us, this is how I deal with AA. >Doom/shadowshank (option) > absorb (against protection or EM).

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