Elsari Tomb Raider

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Morfeas, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Why is he race Undead and Vampire? It doesn't make sense art-wise (he looks perfectly Human) and neither does he require those races for his abilities/deck fitting.

    + gold (mercenary) is something Humans crave, Undead and Vampires want other things, like brains and blood

    And ofcourse if we do down that route, Life Siphon and BotU don't make much sense on him either.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  2. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Noteable similar examples include the Swordmage and the Reaper.
  3. Dreaddoll

    Dreaddoll Devotee of the Blood Owl

    i case you missed it he was a human the first day the midterm launched, but FW people complained (and rightfully so) that he didnt fit in any theme so Sok changed him the second day and Im perfectly happy with the change, vamps needed some love even though art-wise it doesnt make sense...
    Morfeas likes this.
  4. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Yeah I only just sat down to familiarize myself with the new runes and patch. Oh well, if that's what the masses want.. Still don't agree with it myself.
    19madfox95 likes this.
  5. voodoov

    voodoov I need me some PIE!

    would have been easy to check one of the 2 existing treads about him on page 1 and see the history. but if the masses dont have time... oh well...

    if someone has a screenshot from the first version, you will see for yourself.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  6. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

  7. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Sorry I missed it, please don't smite me all mighty smiter.
  8. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

  9. SkeletonKing

    SkeletonKing The King of Potatoes

    In one of the threads discussing the changes, I advocated for the art to be tweaked slightly to make his skin paler. I even did a couple quick examples in photoshop (on different pages).

    But, I understand if that was a step further than they wanted to go.

    Worst-case scenario, we just assume he has recently had a meal. :D
  10. Dreaddoll

    Dreaddoll Devotee of the Blood Owl

    yeah i liked that tweak alot...
  11. Dwlr

    Dwlr I need me some PIE!

    Dark Enchantress is a much earlier vamp and is perfectly human looking and on the sprites things like Blood Banshee and Vampyre are perfectly human looking. Since when is there a precedent that all vamps have to be pale? Add race human and call him a dhampir if you must, but there's no rule that vamps have to be pasty white and he fits a theme now.

    Whilst I think it's perfectly fine I think bluer for moonlight is better than a darker background and likewise the outfit would have to be affected as well to show the changes. Didn't spend any time on it, but my thoughts if an edit were required what direction it'd go in.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
    D4rkSteel likes this.
  12. Uruboz

    Uruboz I need me some PIE!

    Hes a vampyre hunter art like van hellsing and vayne. But with lara croft's tomb abilities and life siphon. He perfectly fits on vampyre theme imo but no on the vampyries side LOL.

    The rune its now decent but not auto by any means, situational and run better theme deck. Ransack its really good and doesnt unstealth you.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  13. Dwlr

    Dwlr I need me some PIE!

    Van Helsing in the movie was a werewolf for atleast part of it. He bears a decent resemblance to D substitute massive hat for a hood. D was a vampire hunting vampires, Alucard/Dracula from Hellsing was a vampire hunting vampires, Alucard from the Castlevania series hunted vampires and was a dhampir, perfectly viable for a vampire to be a vampire hunter, but it doesn't say he hunts vampires he just looks that way, it's more akin to a Ranger type character going based solely off the art he's more Strider than Van Helsing IMO.
    Uruboz likes this.
  14. SkeletonKing

    SkeletonKing The King of Potatoes

    D was not a Vampire, he was a Dhampir. :p

    But yeah, I see the Tomb Raider pretty much as advertised. He's a dude that goes in and raids tombs. He's also a Vampire, which is convenient when dealing with the undead.
    The "Vampire Hunter" thing is really just a style of clothing that implies you go sneaking around at night, like any proper Vampiric Tomb Raider would be doing.
    So it's more just a coincidence that the clothing styles of both archetypes serve the same purpose.
  15. Dwlr

    Dwlr I need me some PIE!

    Yeah I knew that, but not really the point.

    If you want to get technical D is transliterated as a Dunpeal not a Dhampir.

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