Overcosted, sandbagged, or just plain bad fw runes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mw24, Mar 27, 2015.

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  1. Sinkia

    Sinkia New Member

    I have to agree that FW need love but some runes (corrupted guardian for example) are actually good in their themes, I think fw would be alive again if some key runes are buffed/reworked, for each theme.

    Liches - make serkan runnable, make demon lich split
    Spirits - defiler knight, umbral wulf, give magistrate race spirit.
    Zombies - coragh (this rune is just meat, like many zombie runes but coragh should not be like this)
    Creeps - eye of serkan, blinking creeper
    Skeletons - some love to xulos, bonewing
    Vampyres - elder bloodbinder

    I think that by making these runes actually good and runnable in their respective themes would help FW a lot; also i heard next update is focused on vampyres? In case im right, first fix every theme to make it playable, then focus on content!
  2. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I agree with this but I think each of those themes need more than just that to be in a good spot. All of those changes would be helpful though but they would still be relatively weak themes.
  3. Karmavore


    Are you top 50?

  4. Karmavore


    Oh man lol. He's priceless.
  5. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    with liches and skeletons?
  6. Karmavore


    With anything?
  7. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I can get top 25 with any faction. I cant get top 50 with sht tier terribly put together themes that primarily make up fw where half the dam champs are 100 nora doing the job of a 80 nora champion.

    I can also play 7 of the factions better than you can.
  8. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    1. I've beaten Tiny 3 times within the past month or 2 with a meta FW bg and just because you suck with the faction MW, doesn't mean it's bad, so stop trying to portray it so.
    2. I am also top 50 and still win most of my games with FW
    3. I play all factions in the top 100, and FW lacks very little unlike you claim
    4. Out of all the factions I've played recently FW is one of the easiest (Different playstyle sure, but weak no).
    5. FW probably has one of the largest selection of viable runes to choose from just behind IS/KF
    6. You suck, and if we buffed everything you lost with, then we would be back in CorpsE's powercreep era of pox.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    Tweek516, scrampy, themacca and 2 others like this.
  9. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    nobody cares about ghost/stealth cheese or 50 nora wandering zombie spam. people want to play fw's theme bgs and not just those 2 and people want to use fw hero, legend, and exos without losing games just by deploying these 100 nora abominations. zombies are cool and everything but it is 1 theme.

    your post is bs. nobody cares if you beat tiny's experimental bgs.

    I will play you later, I am pretty sure I can beat you most games now.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  10. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    haha, when I basically negate all your ''facts'' as to why FW is bad, my post is bs? Who is deciding what people care about for viable runes, or do you speak for the entirety of the FW faction? What is stopping people from playing FW's themes at high ranks? Because I can think of a large bunch of people who could play any FW theme and maintain limited with them. It's incredibly hard to reason with someone who has things like Lara Croft, High Warlock and Lost queen on a list of bad/overcosted units, yet for some reason I tried.
    JellyBerry likes this.
  11. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I would like ravish to cost less nora(high warlocks cost just seems a little high to me but hes fine compared to the real problem runes in the faction) and I think mercenary is a terrible ability. I don't disagree about lost queen but I think it could be better.

    A lot of op ranged champs were nerfed so maybe warlock doesn't really need anything now.

    mercenary needs to charge you nora for a set amount of turns then stop. Mercenary should stop costing nora after like 5 turns or something, the way it is now is bad in my opinion.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    MW24 is one of those kids that has convinced himself he was so good when nobody played. Now stuck on 1100ish exp since the expansion in exo league, he's trying to figure out what went wrong. And since he's deluded himself into thinking he's so great, the only possibility left is that FW is actually so Bane Shift, so bad, that it's impossible for the best of players to win with it.

    Go figure.
    scrampy, themacca and learnedone like this.
  13. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    Lol. I am not stuck, I stopped playing competitive bgs. I am currently using lich and skeleton. Im not bad and getting better over time.

    I have been saying the same thing about fw for months. I am mad that it is still not dealt with when I felt buffng fw should have been #1 priority for balance after nerfing angel.
  14. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    you sound wose that polltroy and vorian put together
    hell the three of you can make the rant club tm
    Sealer0 likes this.
  15. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  16. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    JellyBerry likes this.
  17. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    If you aren't in the top 50, you aren't a top 50 player. No skill exists that is not demonstrated. It's why I've been shrugging off anyone calling me more than mediocre -- I've tickled legendary a couple times, but that's it. "I could do it, but I'm not right now" then you can't. There is no way to prove it, illustrate it, or even suggest it without doing it. MW, if you aren't in the top 50 right now because you "stopped playing competitive BGs" then you aren't a top 50 player. There's a lot more to being a good player than what you seem to suggest, and two of those things are actually having rank and actually playing good BGs. Petty reasons otherwise are nothing. In the end, the system here right now is the final arbiter, and if you place poorly within it, that's the end. Certainly you might rank up in the future, but those who aren't there right now can't be there.
  18. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    I just made a cheap champs bg smilar to what I played last patch and it is sick. I think I shall try rankig up with it
  19. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I am playing bgs I think are fun and experimenting, testing, and learning different subpar and incomplete theme bgs. I was top 25 with the new system using a few different above average bg and meta before I started doing this.
  20. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I am tired of playing cheap meat spam in fw, the lack of abilities and powerful champs makes it boring to me. I would like more of their themes to not suck.
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