New meta

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by gillo, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    @Netherzen was having some success, and I've been climbing in rank well enough with a version of my own, although it's still shaky.

    I dropped it from worms for a while, but after the Backlash nerfs I put it back in. It's still guaranteed 40 nora on the 50 nora price, with the benefit of some global damage and forcing out a particular deploy. May end up cutting it again though.
  2. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Worms are definitely playable but not very competitive.The changed maps,polluted martyr losing race:worm and the current meta is not favorable for worms right now.Its funny,there were all those complaints about necrosis being the most broken ability ever and that worms are the next trees after i beat Burn with worms,but now worms are pretty much exo league material.

    I could be wrong however,if someone is out there rocking with worms in higher ranks,please share.
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I think the current map pool is actually more favorable for Worms than the last. The Putrid/Blinking/Phantasmal buffs make up for losing Martyr. I do think you're spot on with a hostile environment, though, lots of BGs out there feel like they have it in for the creeps.
  4. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Actualy i think the current maps are worse for worms.Worms have no issue with split pushing or capping the central font early,with the changes,the maps are much more forgiving and easy on your opponent and thus negate the advantage of necrosis.Right now it feels much more harder to apply pressure on your opponent.

    As for the Martyr,i will always miss him.His cost of 66 made him usable anytime and since he costs like 25 nora after his death,he provided some much needed fast cheap meat for worms(amazing at countering todays super cheap efficient champions),the decaying also provided an answer to healing,which is currently present in every single faction/meta bg.The combination of low cooldown,iniative and necrosis means he can be anywhere,any time you need him and can often provide the much needed damage or hitpoints for worms(or nora globes).

    I know many consider Martyr overpowered and i would not mind a nerf to him,but i really wish he stayed race:worm because worms lack options and he was,in my opinion,the perfect worm champion.I know he is a dragon,but he is infested with worms like Carrion Collousus who is an worm.

    I suggested several times to Sok that he returns race:worm to Martyr but so far no results.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
  5. Uruboz

    Uruboz I need me some PIE!

    This is what I run now:

    FW meta BG3.png
    Ability Setup:

    Anthropomancer (Harvest Organs/Death Charged 2)
    Bile Zombie (Death Nova: Disease 3/Extertion 3)
    Coragh Two-Heads (Disease Breath 1/Rotting Blows)
    Dead Fairy (Initiative 1/Rabid 3)
    Death Guard (Knockback 1/Death Nova: Disease 3)
    Death Harvester (Detection 3/Skirmisher)
    High Warlock (Cripple/Burn 3)
    Polluted Martyr (Soulshift 2/Initiative 2)
    Serkan, Lich Master (Life Siphon/Frost Cone 3)
    Shadowshank (Shadow Shift/Stealth)
    Wandering Zombie (Resistance: Physical 3/Death Eater)
  6. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    I would never run Death Eater on W.Zombie, i prioritise spending their precious few AP on moving into melee and punching things. Rabid is really good on them, i've had a few great moments where an underestimated headless one has wandered through the enemy ranks infecting everything on the way with disease.
    mw24, TeaScholar and Uruboz like this.
  7. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I would run charged 2 on anthro
    both novas on bile
    disease 3 on coragh
    iniative 2 on fairy for disease 5 tap from deploy
    loyalty on warlock
    probably breath on martyr
    shadowspawn on shadowshank
    and rabid on zombie
    Uruboz likes this.
  8. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I think Sift is much better than Breath on martyr, especially after the nerfs. It's a huge chunk of nora back. I also agree with the Stealth/Shift build on Shank.
    Uruboz likes this.
  9. Uruboz

    Uruboz I need me some PIE!

    Whats the meta after anthropo almost die?
  10. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Rumors of Anthropomancer's demise have been greatly exaggerated. He is still entirely runable, you just need to make sure he's gobbling up globes. It's a guaranteed 9 damage every time he gets one.
  11. gillo

    gillo I need me some PIE!

  12. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    Not really, he got gutted.
  13. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I think he's still totally viable.
    Tweek516 and TeaScholar like this.
  14. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    Can you do it in a poxbase link so i can place it in the other thread, lately i feel very lazy.
    Uruboz likes this.
  15. Uruboz

    Uruboz I need me some PIE!

    @XFurionsX Sure dude, this BG was before the recent anthropomancer fix, its kinda outdated, but make me win all of my ranked games, a good few days :(


    I really dont know a good formula for a meta BG in this era. Anthropomancer RIP in pepperonis.

    EDIT: Still works well, but not with the same runes, wandering zombie its no more viable imo, maybe for meat on field but no fit great like before. Lich Magistrate works very well if you can take down fast a enemy champion, if only they buff range 5 to range 6 would be great!

    This is what I thinking now:
    FW meta BG4.png
    I dont have a second magistrate, so I put a dead fairy instead, Im working on getting the second one.

    Executioner Throw Axe/Scorn (For Ravish/Repurpose them if is necesarry)
    Essence Devourer Horrorific Aura 1/Berserk Attack 1
    Lich Magistrate Rabid 3/Teleport 2 (For better positioning, same cost of dead fairy 87 nora)

    I dont like putting a sac dagger for essence devourers sustain, they actually very cheap once you deploy graveyard. Still testing this.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
    XFurionsX likes this.
  16. Justmatel

    Justmatel The King of Potatoes

    i am actually loving this thread, I just recently decided to make a FW deck and i got all the fw runes so i could make one but i just didnt understand how too, til ofc i came to this thread. magic.

    I very much like your deck Gillo and it is serving me well as a start point, I did modify a few runes however overall i am quite impressed.

  17. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    I .....hmmmmm your signature mr. @Justmatel is just.....weird....
    But anyhow, welcome to FW, hope to see your BG.

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