Do you want to see the FW bonus changed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kalasle, Jul 28, 2015.


Do you want to see the FW bonus changed?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

  2. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    id rather not have a bonus that is negated by my opponent so easily how about getting the nora bonus when ever a nora globe is grabbed instead of the fw player having to grab every single orb to have a bonus while getting 20% of a 15% nora globe isnt much it at least helps the player in multiple areas and can have a greater impact on the game(while getting around 1-3 nora per globe isnt much i can at least use it for other runes).

    and yes the cooldown reduction is nice and all but other than getting to spend the same amount of nora for the same champion isnt really a good bonus unless your clutching on a rune for a theme but in most cases i dont even notice it unless im playing a deck that specifically abuses the low cd and tbh ive been playing other themes in other factions and i havent really altered my playing style at all because in a game i find im constantly using nora for other things like spells, equipment, relics, other champions which makes it difficult to reuse the same champion if im being pressed by my opponent ,sure in a game that xulos or serkan be nice to replay but if i cant pay for them then its not going to help me in the game and thats with the botu.

    tbh id dont know how to fix fw bonus all i can do is voice my opinion and thats making fw have to grab orbs to have a bonus is A BAD IDEA because out of all the factions fw bonus has least amount of direct impact on the game in comparison to the other factions bonuses and our bonus is the only one where youd have to build the deck around the bonus to get the maximum effect which the other factions dont have to do and of course leads to cheap champion abuse like death guard and bile zombie. i did see that the other factions my be changed but i dont know if they all will change at the same time or one by one but i do know that id rather not be on the end of a "wait and see"approach with the faction bonus considering that it was slated to be changed for a long time now.
    yobanchi and mw24 like this.
  3. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    okay so im just gonna come out and say im actually strongly AGAINST the bonus being changed. I think its an unnecessary change and if you do it your going to piss off and aleniate a lot of FW players who enjoy the style of play that FW's bonus has ALWAYS encouraged since the games release until now. instead of asking do people want to see the bonus changed you should be asking yourselves does it NEED to be changed. and im sure you guys already know the answer to that is a strong hell no.
  4. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    :D FW is saved.
  5. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    Not sure about any of those ideas but appreciate the brainstorming in a collected and organized manner. We need more of this kind of stuff, not just for FW bonus but all potential changes and controversial topics in Pox.
    SireofSuns and Karmavore like this.
  6. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    I actually write in much the same manner on most of the stuff, I just keep it in a word doc rather than post it. I get the feeling people would start to get annoyed if I just started dropping things like that everywhere, so I do it cautiously and at appropriate times.

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