I have contact with The best pox player

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revengercm, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Carpetbagger

    Carpetbagger New Member

    The game is not dead. Not before patches and expansions seize to show up, then it is probably dead. Its such a great and special game, only if more people would play.
    Gnomes likes this.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    D00m powa
  3. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    how many of those players were actually top tier though? Many players who are playing now seemed top tier until their broken runes were actually balanced. How many of them would actually be top tier with balanced runes? Isn't one of the reasons for the decline of the game soe milking it and releasing insanely overpowered runes and the game being pay to win/pay to play properly? I remember I couldn't even make decent decks back then because I didn't have access to many legend/exo rune.

    Bouncer, tyrant, and angels were super broken after geddins revamp, I heard the state of balance was worse during soe. I heard iajab was getting battlemaster with full hp groble summons. He is good but if he is battlemaster something is seriously wrong.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
  4. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    :rolleyes: All the top tier folks had top tier decks. Certain gamers were the creme de la creme. Savvy?
  5. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    @DMrBadguy do you think any of them would be better than tinydragon and devilsrath are now?
  6. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Dude....not to rain on your parade or anything, but i held battlemaster for 6 months awhile ago while tiny was most definitely active. A lot of people i listed earlier played more then too. Dmr is right when he says the level of competition is waaaay down. Its just curious why you wont believe us. You seem to love to adopt the "believe me or not its the truth" attitude, but you seem to think you know everything. Its almost as if by admitting the level of competition is down youll somehow be looked down upon. Its gotten to the point where its kinda just sad watching you fight with everybody. The whole world is against you right? Must be the world's fault
  7. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    i wonder what bg you were using during this time because from what I have seen your aren't on the same level as devilsrath or tinydragon. More similar to taylor, burnpyro, konung, etc.

    I never said the the level of competition wasn't down, there are less players so obviously there are going to be less good players but what I want to know is how many devilsrath's and tinydragon's no longer play, anyone below that skill level wise doesn't concern me as much in this conversation.
  8. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    I played a range denial mixed meta sp with huge burst damage.
  9. KPIC

    KPIC Devotee of the Blood Owl

    DUDE, let me put this simply. I suck at this game. I have sucked at it since it was released. I was here when it was released. I am the oldest player in Pox at the moment, I think, at 44. Every single player that DMR already mentioned was as good as Tiny and Devils. So when you say:
    You should pay attention because I have watched them all play, and they are all that good. So you should pay attention. However, I am sure you have a come back, which is . . .
    DarkJello likes this.
  10. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    The only ones I have seen that have been mentioned are calisk and niddhog. People also told me zorbot was as good as tiny too. None of these are even close to as good currently, all of them are like 1300rating skill level atm, so I have a hard time believing what you are saying.

    Occasionally one of those players people talk so highly about comes back and not a single one has been anywhere near devilsrath or tinydragon skill level since I have been back playing this game.(not even close) Maybe there were winning with super op bgs in the past but currently they don't seem to be on the same level.
  11. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    We've all had moments where we want to reason with him but then again, I had to explain how an alt with 80 games total could get a 95% win rate without hacking anyone step by step and he still didn't get it.

    So I doubt he's going to get that there was a pox before him (there are a million videos in youtube by the way, if you're curious as to how pox was played back then) and that Tiny and Devils aren't the only players to ever fit into the top category. Things were different, sure, but the context made it as even as it is now and I doubt it would be any different.

    From one Jelly to another:

    Mad highfives all around.
    themacca and DarkJello like this.
  12. KPIC

    KPIC Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I know you do because your ability to reason is only through site. You cannot believe because you did not see. So if someone tells the truth, like I just did and so many others, you say, "I did not see it, so it must not have happened." Is that really how things work you think? Or is it possible that you are wrong?
  13. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    So what your saying is some players used to be as good as tiny and devils but nearly every one of those who come back lost their skill and are just above average now? lol? I doubt you can name a single player who has come back within the last year who has been on the same level as tiny or devils in the present time.
  14. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    To be fair, he can only judge himself against the current players.

    It seems a bit silly to beat invisible enemies against him.

    I used to be better than him (imo) but I'm not anymore. I don't feel any point in measuring a shrunken big Cobra Spitter against a middling one at it's prime.
    DarkJello likes this.
  15. KPIC

    KPIC Devotee of the Blood Owl

    This is funny. If we were meeting me face to face and you were a student in my communication course at the college I teach, you wouldn't make these statements. I will say it again simply. Nothing in Pox has really changed over the years. It has been the same problems since it existence really, balance, OP runes, etc. Any best player during any era of Pox would still be best then, now, and in the future, making Tiny, Devils, Ryv, and the many more on the same level. If you don't get that, you get iggyed.
  16. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    Ryvirath was the best by far, shat all over everyone else mentioned in this thread the vast majority of the time.
    Pedeguerra, JellyBerry and BurnPyro like this.
  17. KPIC

    KPIC Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Yeah, I know. I saw him play. But telling him that would just complicate the issue.
  18. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    The players you've seen that they said are as good as tiny don't play enough now to have the understanding of the current meta to compete now.

    You say they were probably just using something incredibly overpowered to get their rank, but isn't tiny doing the same thing with sapper and juggler? You have alleged that Vashal are overpowered too, which tiny has been using as well.
  19. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    wow, been waiting for you to post. I used to watch your games when you were high ranked back then. I still have you on my friends list from like 2008.
  20. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    Yeah back when I cared lol

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