Most awesome split in the game. (FS/SP Meta)

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by IronStylus, May 29, 2016.

  1. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!
    The missing rune is cyclops rockshaper.

    This is my bg I used to play in ranked. It won me many games and abuse things that have little to no counterplay. It's pretty simple to play and win, unless you're facing ironfist or sp, then you need to wait or dispel spell resistance. The monsoon/soak the earth + lightning storms combo is really strong and can simply win you game if you save enough nora (which isnt that hard due to nora gen bonuses). I use the most efficient stuff I can and deal lot of damage. You need to keep your dusk shamans alive cause they're your main damage dealers. I don't run into a lot of bad first turn picks, unless its a 3 font axilium or new 5 font forsaken wastes and I have mind shredder only (5 speed). The new maljaran(?) shore also can get you behind 12 or 24 nora if you have shredder only first turn. Enforcers are fast though and are really good frontliners that capture pretty effectively. This bg contains 'absolutely the best champions' in game for their nora price and it got everything: anti relic, anti equip, tons of damage, heals, cleanse, tons of dispel, cc and alacrity for kill potential/powerturn/shrine rush. I would like to replace something with cyclops primal for magic resistance, initiative and his size (for new axilium) and it should probably be whirling quarry. I thought of adding whirling quarry instead of rockshaper and putting in tortun portal portalmage instead of one chipped boulder. It should look like this:

    Post suggestions how I can improve the bg and feel free to ask about how to play it and how I deal with stuff if you ever wanna create something similar.
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
  2. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Hyaenid Stormreader might be a good addition to this deck. Throw him into a powerturn with Lightning Storm and watch the enemies melt.
  3. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    Tried it, but he's too deployment-reliant. This bg already struggles with deploys a bit, so I dont want to put it in. Also no space for even 1. What would you put out?
  4. TruthSeek

    TruthSeek Well-Known Member

    Been trying this deck out. It's pretty fun. I am really enjoying the utility as you mentioned above. I run an Augur instead of one of the Shamans and enjoying that. This deck does wonders when you can group up a bit, I find on higher number font maps it's tough without the proper draws for dueling. I got boned in 5 font FW earlier off of the first play at the far font.

    I am having also having trouble with FW as they are pretty efficient for champs in terms of pure HP and pressure.

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