Tortuns buffs

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Jawey, May 29, 2016.

  1. Jawey

    Jawey Well-Known Member

    Indeed, nora shield is cool, but i still think tortuns need a little more heal than just Portalmage or cleanse. Nora shield can give lot of nora but cant keep champs alive that easily.
  2. Woffleet

    Woffleet I need me some PIE!

    Yeah now i'm just raging. Torturns are stuipidly defensive. Give me some strog champ with sentinal.
    Jawey likes this.
  3. Jawey

    Jawey Well-Known Member

    It's just like you said before, "Defensive styles don't work in a game like pox with so much varibility". Indeed, defensive BGs are more likely to lose their games, because being pasive and sit back as main strategy is really weak. Asuming that your oponent will have +1 font at least the 1ºhalf of the game, and being your strategy to play defensive despite that is just making the game longer until either you lose or the other guy commits big mistakes and you win because of that. If the other player just aproach that +1 font advantage and just sit back as you do, he will ending having more champs out, as his nora income will be (logically) bigger than yours. It's even harder to win with that disadvantage considering the fact that tortuns champs are really expensive nora wise and has low speed, wich means that you need to have good nora income and you cant take fonts that easily. In the past the big prices were justified by Tortun's Trade ability (before the rework), ability wich gave you extra nora to keep your champs spawning. The actual Tortun's Trade ability cost nora to cast instead of generating it, and only 3 champs (2, if you want to have a source of healing in your themed BG) have it, wich means that more champs need the ability to make it work and either the nora cost goes away from the ability, or the champs get cheaper (prob the best option) or you give tortuns another way to generate nora instead of paying it (like giving more banditry).

    After that game we played im even more convinced that tortuns really need buffs and some reworks to become a good BG and to get a semi-decent win rate against good BGs.

    BTW: Thanks for all the comments and feedback, I'm happy to see that some people cares about Tortuns :)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
    Woffleet likes this.

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