Deployment Zones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pimplepopperhasthejuice, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    @Sokolov has been assessing how that change has affected gameplay. He will make adjustments as needed, but it very well could be that it's just that the other factions need their own bonuses tweaked instead. Right now it is about determining the best way to make adjustments if the data indicates such actions are needed.
  2. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    I've found the IS bonus extremely annoying, especially since summons can't contest font change (long ago) and the wide sweep of changing nearly all non deployed champs to summon.
    It forces you to put a real champ into the font which either means you have resources out of the fight trying to grab an aloof font in the distance or you have a champ committing suicide.
    You could NOT contest, give them free nora and forward base and just plan on making a big play the following turn, that seems easier said than done to me however.
    Clearly there are games where this may seem to have no effect, I've felt this pressure in many games myself though.
    I'll start watching more upper level play and see how it looks.

    Its just weird to me because a good number of relics in your deck has always been a key to success it seemed for quite a while.
    To put a relic in a font to contest while you amassed an army and tried to fight OVER the font, around it in this tug of war was the norm.
    Phalanx, Nora disparity, Range Spam, etc... So much turns an uncontestable (by relic) font into a death trap.
    This honestly feels like the strongest font bonus to me and I don't even really understand the point of it. I see no reason why IS needed this.
    I'd rather you give them a rank of tough for two turns.

    Its interesting people like UD bonus. I've hated it for ages. I always felt it was underwhelming.
    A stealth unit has to 'say hi' when it captures your font... Yay! Who cares? I really don't understand the reasoning as to why people think thats good.
    Two dmg is no negligible and rarely will be why you win a game or engagement. If a champ only has two hp, its not gonna go in the zone, its not like that champ could do much of anything anyway, so not like that huge deterrent cost the game.
    If a stealth unit is rude and doesn't wanna greet you before taking your font, it can easily just put a relic in it and go about its business.
    In terms of helping you win the game, I have no clue how people think UD is good at all.
    FS, as poor as it may be, you retreat a hurt unit that would otherwise die to it, you can get 6hp in 3 turns. You can't retreat a UD unit to a font to do jack spit
    SL, same story but you get to move around and heal
    KF, sleeper. Won't always help you but if your ranged unit gets 'engaged' or your melee gets blocked from finishing off another unit, mobility can help you escape or chase down for a kill. Actually helping the game. UD just begs u to dance in their font
    FW, You can't cast spells which is huge. Limited AoE's, no targeted removal, it delays a turn for every major spell aided push you want to make. Great protection for units inside and it has synergy with FW mechanics. UD can make the fire hotter, dip a toe!
    ST, You lose AP. Taking away a dbl tap, stopping you from getting somewhere as fast. Does ST still give Savage Damage?
    SP, Spell resistance that persists outside of font! Pseudo IS bonus, I see you! Actually protecting your champs and mitigating dmg which can have a minor sway on the game. UD, Proc my fire acolyte! Im Immortal!

    I think font bonuses should have dual effect. Neg and Pos.

    IS: Ally gains rank of tough and Vivify for 2-3 turns
    Enemy is sundered for 2-3 turns

    FS: Ally gains tempo for 3 turns and heals for 2hp a turn
    Enemy is ponderous for 3 turns and poisoned 1

    SL: Ally gains a rank of regen and Sundered exploit for 3 turns
    Enemy is scoured 3

    KF: Ally gains Enlightened and Precision for 3 turns
    Enemy is Illuminated for 3 turns

    SP: Ally gains spell shield and Punish for 3 turns
    Enemy is Distracted and Weighty for 3 turns

    ST: Ally gains Frost Acolyte and Cull for 3 turns
    Enemy loses 2 Ap and are Frozen for 3 turns

    UD: Ally gains a rank of Evasive and Pace
    Enemy is Bloodied for 3 turns and Rended 2

    FW: DMZ, Ally gains Revel is Misery for 3 turns
    Enemy is Cursed and Diseased 1

    These suggestions were off the top of my head using knee jerk balance based on the strength of the Positives to balance the negatives. Little critical thinking was done as I confessed in was on a whim I wrote these out just now.
    I tried to stay true to what is and/or has been while tweaking a bit to give everyone some benefit for having been in a font and some flavorful punishment for champs entering their zone.
  3. Pimplepopperhasthejuice

    Pimplepopperhasthejuice The King of Potatoes

    thank you for the reply -
    without saying the other faction bonuses don't need to be 'tweaked'.
    The IS font bonus is giving its faction a distinct advantage outside of the normal faction bonus
    whereas IS can contest all other factions fonts with a relic but all other factions cant contest ISs'
    thus giving IS more nora and deployment zone access
  4. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    IS has a shitty faction bonus, it's the only one that is controlled by the opponent, factor in that AoE spells have received cost increases / nerfs and are less prevalent in the meta game it was easily one of the worst bonus's, which is why IS received a good font bonus. You are certainly over exaggerating its usefulness though. If you are close enough to place a relic you are close enough to contest anyways.
  5. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    You realise that made zero sense and is completely incorrect ? Opponents can't contest an IS font , thus giving IS more Nora ? And deployment zone access ? Am I the only person picking that up as completely nonsensical ?
  6. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    He is talking of the scenario of an IS player contesting his fonts with relics while he cannot, so the IS player will have at least one more font opened (more deployment zone and nora) for a turn.

    Not quite nonsensical, but ignoring the fact you can still contest with a champion.

    Not a top player here, but a relic contesting allows a variety of moves. It doesn't have the same cost as leave your champ there, as you know.
  7. Pimplepopperhasthejuice

    Pimplepopperhasthejuice The King of Potatoes

  8. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    On a slightly different tangent, I redo wish KF's font bonus gave Mobility on deploy and at the beginning of the turn. A champion deployed in a font that is about to get contested doesn't gain Mobility. A small change but it would help.
    ChiaoLung likes this.
  9. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    SP font bonus is like a combination of the IS & SL split faction bonus. +1 defense, and spell resistance for 4 turns? And you can go back into to font at any time and the counter resets? And the FF SP bonus. Like wtf.
  10. 4NIK8

    4NIK8 I need me some PIE!

    FS font is total garbage. IS is OP.

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