Deployment Zones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pimplepopperhasthejuice, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Pimplepopperhasthejuice

    Pimplepopperhasthejuice The King of Potatoes

    Underdepths has 2 fire damage when entering a Zone and at 1 time had fire aura that covered the 1st space beyond the font zone
    Savage Tundra has you loosing 1 or 2 hp when entering a zone
    Forglar Swamp., Sundered Lands, K'Thir Forest, Shattered Peaks - Nothing
    Forsaken Wastes has curse only when playing a witch theme
    Ironfist Stronghold blocks the placement of relics so you cant contest. why such a drastic measure for 1 of the strongest factions? as well as having the most font defending runes

    Will this change for the playstation release giving all the factions some kind of font protection?
    can we make all Fonts uncontestable by relics before the area becomes neutral?

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    FS - allies heal 2 hp at the beggining of your turn in your fonts.
    SL - Units gain 1 rank of Regen for 3 turns when they enter the deployment zone
    KF - Units gain Mobility for 3 turns when they enter the deployment zone
    SP - Units gain Spell Resistance 3 turns when they enter the deployment zone

    And no they will likely not change for the PS release.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    DMZ - Dead Magic Zone. No spells may be played upon this terrain.
    Enemies lose 2 ap when entiering your deployment zone.
    Pretty sure the extension was due to an Annex like ability.
  4. Pimplepopperhasthejuice

    Pimplepopperhasthejuice The King of Potatoes

    thank you for the information
    with all the font abilities IS is the only one that stops the contesting of the font with a relic thus giving it an advantage vs all the others.
    and can the Faction Overview reflect what ability each faction has for their deployment zone
  5. Makorov

    Makorov I need me some PIE!

    Kampel likes this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    @Senshu @Sokolov
  7. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    In defense of the arguably OP IS font bonus, their old one was even more OP: +1AP at the start of the turn for units within the font zone.

    Also, SL's fonts have sand terrain (potentially important for the sand theme), FS has a handful of water spots, KF has grass terrain, ST gets snow, and UD used to get a lava spot, but it was removed to help facilitate 2x2 units
  8. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    IS and ST win the font bonus battles imo.
    Leadrz, Xirone and SPiEkY like this.
  9. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    the KF font bonus and the FW font bonus can also be pretty helpful under their specific circumstance.
    UD Bonus says Firk you to stealth contesting which is awesome
    SP font bonus is also pretty neat

    Obviously none on the level of ST or IS which will always have their benefit play off.
  10. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I would trade ST and IS font bonuses for FS get full water tiles...
    Capitulator likes this.
  11. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    SPiEkY likes this.
  12. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

  13. Pimplepopperhasthejuice

    Pimplepopperhasthejuice The King of Potatoes

  14. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I'm curious why you consider SL better than FS. There are a number of SL champs that have Regen 3 and get no benefit from the font bonus. I believe that loss outweighs the gain of leaving the font and getting 2hp on the next turn.
  15. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    SL/FS bottom, KF/UD/SP mid, IS/ST/FW top.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  16. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    true. Sand is pretty useful in some circumstances though, more so than a tiny puddle in the fs zone. I'll be honest, very little in it.
  17. Compost

    Compost I need me some PIE!

    Worst font bonus by far is FS. It is literally just a worse version of the SL bonus. It heals 2 hp. Just like regen 1. Except SL gets regen 1 for 3 turns, so when you go take a font, and on their turn your oponent contests it, you still get your healing. FS has no font bonus at all if someone contests. The only time you will ever even see FS font bonus proc is if your oponent has global damage and your dudes back at your safe font heal a little lol.

    Also why we only get adjacent water spaces? Why cant whole font zone be shallow water? I don't see how this would be op. It would be mostly a quality of life and aesthetic change. that way champs like mirevixen can be deployed at the edge of the zone like everyone else.
    bambino likes this.
  18. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Because aquatics exist
    SPiEkY likes this.
  19. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    We will need to look into adding the the Font bonus to the website Faction Overview. Thank you for bringing this topic up.
  20. Pimplepopperhasthejuice

    Pimplepopperhasthejuice The King of Potatoes

    Thank you for the reply on the Faction Overview update.
    How about changing the IS no relic to contest ability?
    Or have that no font can be contested by a relic

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