Patch Preview: Assorted Stuff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Today we'll talk about an assorted list of stuff that are more "quick fix" type stuff.

    This isn't an exhaustive list, by any means.

    Protective: Capped at 3 stacks
    This ability used to be Enraged 3 which was +5 DMG for 2 turns, which, in this era, is quite bit of bonus DMG. The rank of Enraged was initially reduced, but we decided it was more fun if the ability had the potential to reach higher DMG, but not so quickly.

    So it was changed to +2 DMG per attack for 2 turns. But there are scenarios where this can ramp up quite a bit, so it'll just have a cap of 3 to keep it within the range of variability that we want, while preserving the interesting scaling.
    Hunter: X Adjustments
    • Before the Hunter rework, these didn't stack. That was forgotten with the rework and is being restored. This mostly addresses specific decks that were stacking Hunter: X abilities onto things like Trample. Post-adjustment, Hunter: X will still work with Trample, but only one would apply even if multiple Hunter: X abilities on the champion is applicable.
    • High Ground consolidated in Hunter: Walker
    • Also, a lot of abilities have been fixed to work properly with Hunter: X as well as the SL bonus
    Thirst for Battle triggers once per turn
    Currently, this ability is not considered all that powerful by the top players, but wrecks havoc among newer players who don't know how to deal it. It's also especially powerful if the other player doesn't have much range. This change simply limits the growth it can have on a given turn, but does not limit the upper potential (which is where the interest lies). This means it can still wreck you, but you have a bit more time to deal with it before it gets out of hand.
    Dark Sanctuary consolidate to Relocate: DMZ
    Awhile back, the relocate: X abilities were consolidated and adjusted, but this was left out. So it'll be nerfed a bit to fall in line with the others.
    Shadestrike nerf
    • This ability is way out of line right now, generating a ton of DMZ for a long duration for a low cost
    • New Description: When this champion makes a successful basic attack, spaces within 2 spaces of the target becomes a Dead Magic Zone for 3 turns.
    Healing Adjustments
    • The goal of these changes are the following:
      • Nerf upper end healing somewhat to reduce decks ability to endlessly heal, while preserving healing as a viable option in your deck
      • Make the other healing ranks for relevant as an option
      • Consolidate the variety in healing abilities a bit and make them behave more similarly
    • Heal Champion 1/2/3 would be AP3/3/3 and CD1/2/3 (instead of CD 2/2/2) and Heal of 4/8/12
    • Heal Mass 1/2/3 would be AP 3/3/3 and CD 1/2/3 (instead of CD 2/2/2) and probably Heal 3/6/9 (instead of 4/6/8).
    • Consolidate Sustain into Transfer Life
    • Transfer Life is AP 2/2 and CD 3/3 for heal at 12/12 and life cost of 9/6 at RNG 5 (Nora: 3/6)
    • There are also changes to other healing abilities (including Charged Heal and Mason), but these are the main/bigger changes
    • Wrath will mostly get Drain and Transfer Life for healing, so expect a number of changes to champions who have healing abilities right now
    • Desperate Heal is being nerfed to 15 heal for 50 nora (currently 20 heal for 45 nora). It's an old spell, but the combination of the removal of Shrine Scry and the more champions on the board longer has made this spell stronger than before.
    • Repair heal reduced to 30
    Illuminated loses the self-removal + with nora portion
    • This condition was originally intended to be a one-off, but has been passed around quite a bit.
    • While interesting, the condition was also a bit messy in having multiple clauses
    • So now, the condition will persist with the Anti-Stealth/DEF mechanics, but no longer remove itself or generate nora
    • It's possible that the removed portion comes out as a new condition that removes itself while doing something as a concept that will appear later
    Blitz capped at 5 DMG
    This caps Blitz the same way that Bold is capped, cost will be reduced to 5 nora
    Elsari Coven
    Coven will no longer trigger when an enemy champion is deployed (unless it is deployed on a DMZ) and may return to 2 turns per Witch when it does trigger.​
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
    aseryen, prymusedek, IMAGIRL and 15 others like this.
  2. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    I like the healing change and the fact that SL was mentioned.
  3. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    I like all the changes and have nothing against them, but just saying, that this change:
    - Heal Champion 1/2/3 would be AP3/3/3 and CD1/2/3 (instead of CD 2/2/2) and Heal of 4/8/12 at Nora (3/6/9)
    is strange. The reduced ranks of those abilities will serve managing AP for champion's nora cost, because the hp/turn is the same at all ranks. I would pick heal 1 on a champion that sits back and heals (cavernkeeper) and heal 3 on more-combat oriented champions that need ap for dealing damage or doing other stuff (avenging angel for example). Might be a good change anyways. Just wanted to point that out.
  4. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    I'm eager to believe that's also part of the goal behind the changes - making people consider more than just the highest rank of the ability. I would definitely HC1 on a champ with enlightened for example as that's 10 HP every turn.

    Also this is a good way to buff empathy a bit without changing it directly.
    JellyBerry likes this.
  5. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    That's assuming the champion lets you pick from all 3 ranks :D
    Qucas, JellyBerry and Etherielin like this.
  6. phdstax

    phdstax Active Member

    The Illuminate change is problematic. Now, KF has lost another of its main nora gen abilities. Is there anything going to be put in its place?
  7. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    1. "Another?"
    2. I don't see Illuminated as a main nora gen ability in any way. It generated very little nora in the grand scheme of things.
    3. I consider this a lateral change, as the anti-Stealth and anti-DEF portion of Illuminated will now persist. Against decks with DEF, this can be argued to be a buff.
    4NIK8, newsbuff, Woffleet and 5 others like this.
  8. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    At this point you're just asking for polltroy to call you racist.

    I like change.
    Tweek516, Anima26, Qucas and 2 others like this.
  9. Darrkt

    Darrkt New Member

    Are there going to be changes ( Nora cost) to empathy or is it going to stay as is?
  10. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Wasn't planning on one. What are your thoughts on the ability?
  11. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    I dunno about illuminate not generating much my aurora deck i could get upwards of 10 just from attacking
  12. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    On every attack? Or after stacking a bunch of illuminates over several turns?
  13. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Well most of my units have a source of illuminate so i attack then stack another illuminate on top of the one that just left and i keep generating 2 nora for each one
  14. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Illuminate can stack up to some pretty wicked nora gen once you've got a few sources out
    Qucas and Tweek516 like this.
  15. Firk

    Firk I need me some PIE!

    IS forever, nering us will only make us stronger
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    It's true that when you stack a bunch of something it will always increase in value. But that doesn't mean 2 Nora for an on hit is some kind of primary Nora gen.
  17. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    its not but it is somethign you can certainly buuld around and i think it is an advantage that illuminate needs atm. otherwise all it does is lower defense for one attack and allow for light seeker.

    Btw would it be difficult to add in a hunter: illuminated ability, like there is one for hunter bloodied, hunter soultapped, hunter diseased.
  18. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    You missed the part, where illuminate will persist after attacking now.
  19. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    i did miss that actually. but that doesnt help my deck filled with champions who have illuminate haha
  20. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Can magic beam and bomb give illuminated if this change goes through?

    Edit: And perhaps lightseeker switches with call to arms or dmg shield on inspector?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
    Etherielin likes this.

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