Is it worth to come back?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alkioneus, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I don't agree with the importance of game modes, and I don't think a database is a priority (lol uses 3rd party sites as well).

    Definitely agree with your balance perspective, and I'd go further to say the game isn't balanced. Which isn't a huge problem. Even starcraft broodwar wasn't balanced, protoss being considered slightly weaker than t and z, and z considered slightly stronger.

    There are also a 1 or two ways to play a faction competitively from what I can tell.

    However, it's blatantly obvious certain factions are stronger than others, the most offensive being of course St.

    I don't measure balance only on this metric. I measure balance also on if levers of design are working as intended. I don't think shrine rush bgs should ever be viable, however, I do think they should allow new players to get an occasional win they don't deserve with a lucky draw and map, so long as they execute their strategy well.

    Do I think vampires should ever be a viable fw theme? No, absolutely not. They have a cancerous design which has 0 faction bonus synergy (at the moment at least). Do I think they are a weak theme? Yes I do, in fact, bgs like this prove the game really isn't balanced well.

    There are so many runes which just have no place in the game, and it is really sad to see. In my eyes, that is not balance. Alot of the problems stem from an identity crisis. I've talked in great detail about it for skeletons, and I'll most likely touch up on my tier list now that I have a better understanding of how to play them after Nerf.

    Alot of the balance problems come from design, in particular, the formula. Just as an example, if unstoppable costs 6 nora, and it is on decayed mercenary, what good is that? Why would I want my low HP unit to have an upgrade of a flat 6 Nora, when the ap cost of the opponent to CC him isn't worth the opportunity cost had he not had the upgrade in the first place?

    Alot of runes have no clear design goals. "This unit should fit here" is a phrase never said in the design process. It is more "FW need this, so let's make it!" Which just causes poor design, design which tries to fit into the current balance instead of game playability and enjoyment.

    Some of my post got deleted due to battery issues, but it came down to global effects being not only too strong and too common, but also poorly designed. In particular, designs similar to thisbattle leader and frost amp, which really have 0 counter play, and are entirely overpowered. However,there are plenty others. Plenty.

    Then, there are themes with no direction, and no clear levers of power (timings) thanks to global effects, and poorly designed goodstuff.

    You'll notice that most decks right now are global amp (adaptive, frost amp, seism, ice stars, kf throne of circle relic, dark favor, divine favor, substantiate, battle leader, time of hate, amp psychic, Marsh song, the resistance, bone circle, augment,vitality creation). It overshadows much of the positional play in pox, which is a significant lever of power for thematic gameplay (which is universally accepted as good for player experience) . There are other aspects of design a developer can use such as shrine kill potential, turtle potential, luck mechanics (such as abilities like immunity magical, mirrored, vulnerability, as well as unique rng modifiers).

    Globals however really overlap with split font viability, which is a big problem for many theme design. Imo, global are best used in a thematic scenario where they help make up for a glaring weakness a theme might have in a pinch (such as surge on a bg which relies on auras) or a low effect investment which helps shift the fight to a different area (Nora mine?). I think deism works nicely as well to keep certain relics from being too strong when deployed early, I don't think seism should work as well to really close relics however, since those tend to be relics which take an already substantial risk in the first place (guard tower, spechuluer of kings, blood crest)

    Game is certainly not balanced well. But I'm much more concerned with the design issues, as they ultimately effect more. And it's not just globals that are a problem. There are plenty of poorly designed mechanics. I just point out the global because they are sort of being used as a band aid solution to give the illusion of 'balanced'. In reality, there is alot to work on. I actually think it was wise (or lucky) for DOG to shift the game to a global meta while they work on design. My main fear is that the direction the game is taking isn't actually fixing core problems with mechanics and design. @Sokolov do ur Firking job and code not just rehash abilities which need redesign anyways.
    aseryen likes this.
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I do not support this.
  3. Oregreen

    Oregreen Member

    Yea come back if you want to play a buggy piece of Bane Shift that never improves. It is really cool
  4. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    LOL I was just thinking this today. I choose to continue playing because the original concept lives on. Ap generation system, cool art, interesting abilities, and reminds me alot of placing warhammer figures on a board to calculate for dice rolls etc. Must have been alot of bugs and problems to take three years to get to this point. Hopefully we can finally move on to better client/rune manager etc.
  5. Oregreen

    Oregreen Member

    There are probably more bugs now than 3 years ago to be honest.
  6. redChapel

    redChapel The King of Potatoes

    This opinion is coming from somebody who quit. I don't believe your opinion is representative of the current state of the game since you don't have experience playing with it.
    MaruXV and Tweek516 like this.
  7. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    my man
    MaruXV likes this.
  8. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    He only "quit" fairly recently, so this isn't a valid reason to ignore his input.
    A valid reason to ignore his input was that the reason he "quit" was due to a "bug", which he experienced but refused to give further information to the rest of the community, including the lead developer, so that they could fix this bug. Several members of the community worked with what little information he left to figure out what the problem was, and found that it was actually a minor glitch that resolves automatically whenever any action is performed in the game. AFAIK this "bug", which had no practical impact on the game, has been fixed.
    Tweek516 likes this.

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