Quitting till next expansion comes out/client gets fixed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mintdude1, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    Is that what you got from this? Perhaps I should try to rephrase what I've said above. OFCOURSE I know that the top players don't only play the top BGs. Also depends on you definition of top players and top BGs but sure. I maintain to get top 50 you can play whatever you want. I don't believe this is the definition of top player. Even when I did play months ago, I could cruise the top 20-30 playing Sallys, Snaps etc. Tier 2 BGs.

    If you want to win more, you could always simply play a better BG. I know first hand because I've played the bad BGs, seen my rank go down, and then played good ones and witnessed my rank go back up again. Amazing stuff. Now from what I gather from the top 10, very few of them are playing anything other than a tier 1 BG. I'm not even sure any of them could maintain their ranks if they weren't playing tier 1 BGs. I feel like I could extend this to the top 20 but not much further.

    A lot of them have made it very clear that they would rather not play x because why would they, it would only hurt their chance of winning. Could you try point me to someone who is going for rank that isn't playing a BG they thought could help them in this goal.

    Relating this to above why would any of them play something like spiders when they could just play minos and have an EASIER time getting a high rank. Sure they could probably play spiders with a lot of success but why not save yourself the trouble and play a better BG. To go alongside this I don't remember the last time I witnessed someone in the top 50 playing something that isn't tier 1 for more than a few games. Could you give me some examples? If they did I doubt they would stay top 50 for long.
  2. mintdude1

    mintdude1 The King of Potatoes

    I think it's probably better to listen to the players of the game and act upon our complaints rather than make comments that insinuate that we are completely wrong :) but hey... what would i know about the game and its runes, I've only played for 10 years and battered the current meta bg's to death for over a year.

    And sorry Xazn :( I'm sure once some life returns to this game via a decent client/expansion i'll be back on again to say "Hey Hey" :D
    xaznsoulx likes this.
  3. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Everyone should just play FW meta. Problem sorted.
    GoldTiger likes this.
  4. MrBadguy

    MrBadguy Guest

    Top dogs are turned off by the client so now it's noobs whining about noob stompers. L2analyze
    Tweek516, Ballballer and GoldTiger like this.
  5. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    yeah, being the community quite small but passionate, the emotional factor in choosing which bg to play is really stronger than in other games.
    Even tiny admitted he sometimes plays bgs to have fun and sometimes to rank. (btw he wins with both). You, diabloz, also play 99%FS, and im sure you would play fs even if it got nerfed to only have tier2 bgs. Markoth same with IS, dolce same with SL , etherielin and gemma with KF, etc...
  6. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    The reason that descussions happen like this is because hardly anyone plays the game. The meta would be more completely known if you had 20 strong players in each faction and 100's of less strong players in each faction playing at one time. Instead, you have to wait for strong players to return from hatius to create good decks or find synergy/efficiency where others cannot, or strong players that are playing to get tired of what they are playing and make a new deck.

    The time it takes to illuminate these "top decks" has only to do with population and you should not insinuate that they people are just "lol you can't be pleased" simply because two weeks ago the discussion was different.

    You should know this. You are the developer of this game. Where this game stands is a direct result of your vision and efforts. Do better.
  7. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Who is diabolizer, goldtiger???
  8. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    No, he's diabloziii or something else

    Also my point was pretty much what baskit got at, there is no real static meta due to the small playerbase.
  9. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    goldtiger is diabloz
  10. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Ahhh, thought you meant diabolizer. Was going to be super pumped and then pissed that he never said hi
  11. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    even if this game had 50 top players and 500 other players for faction, the meta would still be different from modern games because of the emotional attachment to the faction / unit you like the most. this is a game that requires much more time and mind than games like hs, duelyst, gwent etc so its normal you develop some choices "made by heart". also because this games rewards more original deckbuilding if coupled with skill.
  12. Elric

    Elric I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, that's actually why I dislike split runes. When they are so good, then they show up twice as much.
  13. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    It makes it into every deck i split fs, i woukd split kf if splitting kf didn't suck so much
  14. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    Unfortunately I'm not the true diaboliz3r
  15. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    My apologies, let me elaborate.

    I am sure you know that I consider player feedback quite important. My lament here was largely that the feedback in some cases is hyperbolic or be rooted in short memories in nature - which can sometimes lead to what appears to be contradictory positions or statements. In this case, my statements were to ask: "How can both of these things be true? Is the meta stale or did it literally JUST change with the patch?" So it's less about being right or wrong and wishing the feedback was better presented/argued.

    As @MaruXV points out, with a low population, what we seem to be seeing is that the "meta" is often less what is actually strong and more what players have decided to play (or with DMR's argument, there is simply a lack of good players in the first place). @Markoth has mentioned that he actually has a fairly good list of things he thinks are really good that he hasn't tried yet.

    For example, when Gemma/TheRed were both playing, KF illusions had the target on its back. Remember the SL trample deck? That was played for all of one week or so by a couple players and was nerf cried constantly - but it basically dropped off the face of the earth after that. Ultimately, if what the top players are playing is the meta then it actually does shift quite a bit depending on who is coming around and what tiny is playing, but at the same time, the game is also actually stable enough in terms of design that there are staples that gets run into over a larger period of time (as mentioned by @GoldTiger in his discussions of supports, which I think also applies to non-champion rune selections as well) - so in some ways it depends on how much of a difference you feel is different enough.

    That said, I do understand that the lack of patches and new content certainly does contribute to a stale environment (believe me, I have been trying to get you guys content but logistically speaking it just wasn't doable). This last patch should have done some shakeups, but with the client issues and lack of new content (we are coming up on a year now...), it's unlikely to percolate very fast until we get more players going thru everything. And even if the meta fully adjusts to a patch, given the age of the game and the fact that most runes remain the same with each patch, it's questionable how long that period of freshness actually lasts.

    Hope that clears it up a bit :D
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    You raise some interesting points here, and I agree with the premise. In fact, this is one of the reasons I am often reluctant to nerf a single thing dramatically in any one way. People often criticize this approach as "triple nerfs" and other such things, but in general, if I was nerfing just one thing or one aspect I'd be nerfing it much harder.

    I think you are right in that people often overlook the lower key runes - and this also applies outside of champions. They notice runes that, when played, have a big impact immediately, or a champion that is particularly hard to deal with for their deck, but don't always recognize that there are many other factors at play. At the same time, some runes are also much easier dealt with using conventional means while others require more specific counters or responses - and if you aren't used to not dealing with something, it can really hurt you.
  17. zorbot

    zorbot The King of Potatoes

    The irony is hilarious.

    I agree with this. One of the major downfalls of this game is that a large portion (perhaps the largest portion of the playerbase) does not understand how to evaluate rune power. For YEARS, people who would be hard stuck bronze 5 have had a say in regards to balance issues. About 2-3 years ago there were maybe 20 players who I would say knew enough about the game to comment on balance. Now, maybe 3? 4? Even when I was on the council, I was blown away about how effective and influential bad players were on the state of the game. So most of us in the old guard resigned. Now it's gold level players who think they are great because they beat bronze players everyday and runes are somehow balanced around that dynamic.

    Before the new client, I would log on, play a few games vs. randoms and have Tiny message me about playing. There was/is no one else to play. I've seen a few old players hop on occasionally but when there are less than 10 good players in the game it's really hard to manage balance. Because of this, I really sympathize with Sok. It's nigh impossible to balance things correctly when no one knows what they're doing.
  18. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I play 9 hours a day on alts, just like sok.
  19. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    I keep Pox installed to suck out the nostalgia of back in the old days(2009 era) and how things use to be. It was a giant cluster Firk of broken but it was fun broken. Now I just see Pox as an ex-gf who lives next door and reminds me how good the sex use to be. I sigh, log onto the new gf(some stupid Firking game) and am sadly disappointed at how my life turned out. I will continue to support this game mentally and physically if I can, but I can't log on anymore due to how it just rips a bit of my soul out. Lot of good friends made on this game, lot of good times laughing it up with them.

    People always say what they would do with a time machine. Besides going back and seeing all my favorite bands in their prime, I'd go back and enjoy this game again. I miss you Sabri-umm Poxnora.

    As a wise man once said,
    "Everybody knows things are bad, It's a depression.
    Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job.
    The dollar buys a nickel's worth...
    banks are going bust...
    shop-keepers keep a gun under the counter...
    punks are running wild on the street and there's nobody anywhere that seems to know what to do.
    And there's no end to it.

    We know the air is unfit to breathe,
    our food is unfit to eat...
    we sit watching our T.V.s while some local newscaster tells us
    that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes --
    as if that's the way it's supposed to be!

    We know things are bad; worse than bad.
    They're crazy!
    It's like everything, everywhere is going crazy.
    So, we don't go out anymore;
    we sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and we say:
    Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms, let me have my toaster and my T.V.
    and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything - just leave us alone.

    But I'm not gonna leave you alone...
    I want you to get mad!

    I don't want you to protest and I don't want you to riot or write your Congressman,
    because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write.
    I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians or the crime in the street.
    All I know is that first you've got to get mad... you've got to say: I'm a human being,
    god dammit it, my life has value!

    I want you to get up now,
    I want all of you to get up out of your chairs.
    I want you to get up, right now, and go to the window,
    open it and stick your head out and yell:


    I'll see you Pox People all in Hell one day. Adios.

  20. xaznsoulx

    xaznsoulx Supreme Dream Team 夢想 隊

    Kurt Cobain is that you?

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