
Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Vash Dragneel, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    Technically speaking it's possible to be born evil. Your actions are decided by hormones, neurons and whatever else is happening in your brain. You could be born with a body that produces more Epinephrine than normal, which can cause you to be more emotional and angry that a normal human being. Which would then likely cause you to do harmful things to others because it's hard to be rational when you are enraged. You could also have one of many weird and hardly documented mental illnesses, like Alexithymia, which may or may not be partially caused by birth defects. "The core characteristics of alexithymia are marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relating." Not understanding the sadness of the person who you punched in the face probably makes it easier to punch people in the face. Not understanding the positive feedback of somebody elses joy gives little reason to try to make somebody happy. Good starting conditions for somebody to behave in a fashion that would make others describe them as "evil".

    Or in short; What works for dogs also works for humans. If you can breed one animal to be on average more aggressive than others, then you can breed another animal to be on average more evil than others. And at times random chance just happens without any breeding efforts.
    Please note that being born with a tendency to something doesn't mean that you'll end up being that something. But that wasn't the point anyway.
    The point is that hats are stupid and no self-respecting human being that I know ever wears one.
  2. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    In the initial choice you presented you didn't say that by becoming evil you are bound to overcome it or that it's not stagnant, so this is pure sophistry.
  3. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    By the way, Geressen, this topic reminded me of one quote from Victor Hugo's novel Man Who Laughs. Hope this will be some good food for thought for you.

    His great business was to hate the human race. He was implacable in that hate. Having made it clear that human life is a dreadful thing; having observed the superposition of evils, kings on the people, war on kings, the plague on war, famine on the plague, folly on everything; having proved a certain measure of chastisement in the mere fact of existence; having recognized that, death is a deliverance—when they brought him a sick man he cured him; he had cordials and beverages to prolong the lives of the old. He put lame cripples on their legs again, and hurled this sarcasm at them, "There, you are on your paws once more; may you walk long in this valley of tears!" When he saw a poor man dying of hunger, he gave him all the pence he had about him, growling out, "Live on, you wretch! eat! last a long time! It is not I who would shorten your penal servitude." After which, he would rub his hands and say, "I do men all the harm I can."
    Firk and Geressen like this.
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    what in life is ever stagnant and what in life is ever bound on a fundamental level?
    I'd rather have you ask me about circumstances rather than make a choice and then try to blame me for the consequences of it.

    that's funny.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017

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