Comments on Profile Post by doubtofbuddha

  1. themacca
    #anythingnotterriblefirkbehemothtomorrow please its an awesome rune but it sucks nobs
    Sep 8, 2015
  2. doubtofbuddha
    Yeah. I think resist physical should be replaced with colossus on UP 1, and soultap feedback removed from base.
    Sep 8, 2015
  3. themacca
    I would replace Psychic eater tbh. there isnt really any benefit to that ability since firk have an on the spot immune equip if they go up against other psychics on top of that there isnt really any way to use psychic to damage ur own units. Also i disagree with removing feedback cause its kind of his sig ability
    Sep 8, 2015
  4. doubtofbuddha
    I consider vigor: psychic to be more important. At the very least, Soultap Feedback has no reason to be 8 nora.
    Sep 8, 2015