Comments on Profile Post by Karmavore

  1. TeaScholar
    but the naria are so sexy...
    Apr 13, 2016
  2. super71
    Problem is plant, treefolk bgs have had way too many nerfs, granted many of them were necessary but the nerf to greenhouse I didn't really understand. The greenhouse had a range, and was pretty expensive, just another poor nerf call.

    In ud they will most likely only be useful for their range, and even then i'm not to sure.
    Apr 13, 2016
  3. Kilstuforf
    The Naria for FF UD will be used as range mainly in bleed BG's , outside of that I don't see much use.
    Apr 13, 2016
  4. doubtofbuddha
    At least they are better than monks.
    Apr 14, 2016