Comments on Profile Post by flador

  1. themacca
    too bad people abused the firk out of them.
    Aug 28, 2016
  2. BurnPyro
    Aug 28, 2016
  3. potatonuts
    Can someone elaborate? I need this gossip in my life.
    Aug 28, 2016
  4. Lushiris
    People made alts and played themselves in tournaments, basically.
    Aug 28, 2016
  5. BurnPyro
    A bunch of cancerous ****s basically exploited the system by wintrading for weeks until the tourneys got shut down
    Aug 28, 2016
  6. flador
    Maybe the devs can work on some better fraud/abuse detection once they finish the client update/PSN release
    Aug 28, 2016
  7. potatonuts
    Be a bit of effort but it might be possible just to track down the offenders and remove their prizes.
    Aug 28, 2016
  8. DrakeArron
    And then just ban them from the game if they do it more then once. People like that only ever make the game worse for everyone anyway.
    Aug 28, 2016
  9. flador
    Maybe they could add a minimum player level to the tournaments, so banning an alt would be more of a setback? Adding that that and a minimum surrender time with a DC penalty that stops accounts that lose a tournament game due to DCing from entering that tournament for 24 hours or something. It's a lot of backend work, but it would make these accounts much easier to identify while minimizing the abuse that can be done
    Aug 28, 2016
  10. Excalibur95
    While your at it ban ALL the better players who farm the tournies for tons of rewards (i mean some get 30 of each rune or more) and give ZERO chance for any low / lesser levels to get anything.
    Aug 28, 2016
  11. Excalibur95
    We all know this is exactly what would happen if tournies became a thing again, unless and this was said before - ONLY ALLOW PEOPLE TO WIN X TOURNAMENTS AND THEY CANT JOIN AGAIN THAT WEEKEND. as for alts well idk what to do there.
    Aug 28, 2016
  12. Excalibur95
    Maybe just give all players a tournie rune win or lose for playing out their games and limit entries for each account to x. Or segment tournie entries by rank like exotic ranks can only play other exotics etc, could have 1 above or below too. entries allowed until they win x tournies/prizes..
    Aug 28, 2016
  13. Excalibur95
    then do whatever the fk you want with drafts, with ticket entry... top players can abuse that all they want.
    Aug 28, 2016
  14. flador
    Limiting rewards makes sense, but with the current system no one plays because the rewards are tiny, so we could expect that people would stop after they cap out, and it can still be abused with alts. It's sad that people who can't just have fun earning their rewards have to ruin things for everyone...
    Aug 28, 2016
  15. flador
    Maybe people would play the tourneys for no reward if they had more "themed" events where there's some special twist on the matches for that tournament, like the rotating game modes a lot of MOBAs have these days
    Aug 28, 2016
  16. themacca
    They are actually working on alternates game modes. But it's not a priority so it'll be a while
    Aug 28, 2016