11 officers shot, 4 dead in Dallas

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by darklord48, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

  2. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    whelp, well that is not helping.

    unrelated nutso that saw an oppertunity?
  3. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    And so it begins.

    Time to celebrate those second amendment rights cowboys
    Boozha, Geressen and IMAGIRL like this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Is it weird that these forums are where I get my national news from?
    yobanchi and newsbuff like this.
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Reliable sources 10/10
    IMAGIRL likes this.
  6. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Sow wind, reap storm. Too bad the storm usually also hits people that didn't sow the wind.
  7. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I fully expect NRA officials to personally guard the peace with their lives now. Mo guns shall keep them safe anyway.
    Boozha likes this.
  8. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Well I can guarrantee a discussion about this topic on these forums will likely be a disaster but here's what I think: There are racial issues. I don't think anyone doubts that at this point, even before last night. The sad truth (someone please show to me how the following is NOT a truth, albeit sad) is that:

    Blacks will have to make their own future. The only thing they'll get from Whites/whoever is posturing, programs, random Blacks hired randomly in random positions because they are black, some people controlling money giving a few dollars to the communities of Blacks, a percentage that is likely completely inconsequential as compared to the budget from which it came.

    That is the truth as I see it. I'd like to read replies from anyone who doesn't see that as the truth.

    That is the truth, and it's unfortunate, but its the truth.

    Why can the Blacks not accomplish anything? Well they don't have a MLK. They don't even need a 100% MLK, a 30-40% MLK would likely do just fine. But they've got no one. All the Blacks have is what they've been given - and what MLK earned them, which btw, is eroding away. So they have programs and associations and idiots like everyone after MLK who has put Rev. in front of their name and doesn't stand Sundays in front of a congregation. All the Rev. Blacks I've seen currently are just profiteers and mongers.

    It's not going to change, even if it escalates into a race war or deescalates and gets a bandaid program/white-given concessions or associations, random Black hired or anything else, the end result is no change. Not without a black person like MLK.

    How can anyone of any color, black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange etc read the following and NOT be immediately inspired by his vision?
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    newsbuff, darklord48 and SPiEkY like this.
  9. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Looks like America is finally waking up and realzing racism never died lol. Lots of people also found out its legal to walk around with assault weapons in open day light in Texas. Democrats will use this as an excuse as they always have to take our guns away which will do NADA, social media blew this out of proportion it seems like every couple of years we forget that even more cops have been killed before. I don't think violence is the right answer but I will be real and say peaceful protest not getting us anywhere but a couple of donations and " YEAH WE FEEL SORRY FOR YOU BUT WE GONNA DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE TO ACTUALLY HELP "
  10. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    that's okay, nobody is perfect.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  11. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    It's legal to walk around with long guns in almost every state. Long gun as defined by ATF. In most cases it's something like "may openly carry a long gun, rifle or shotgun in a nonthreatening manner".
  12. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I like how the Dallas police used a suicide bomberbot to deal with the gunman.
    Boozha and jeeperz2 like this.
  14. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Radical and militarized, great terms for a police force.
  15. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Not raging at anybody I always try to see peoples point of view before I present my own but I am convinced are freedoms are being taken away slowly especially when a black man gets shoot and killed by the same people who are supposed to be protecting us on our way home.
    Geressen likes this.
  16. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Stopped reading when you went full ******

    don't go full ******

    Seriously, stop listening to Fox News. Nobody is trying to take your guns away. It's disgusting how sadly misinformed you are on a basic level on such matters.
  17. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Burn I agree with you 100% when it comes to fox news its for ignorant people no doubt, however I won't disagree with them when it comes to gun control. It is true that every time a mass shooting happens someone tries to pass a law on gun control limiting and making it harder for normal people to get guns. The Orlando shooting was no different and I wouldn't be surprised if someone tries to pass a new gun law now after the Dallas shooting that's all im trying to say. I honestly think limiting people from being able to get guns isn't the way to go, growing up in Miami I personally know teenagers who have illegal guns.. In fact most people here have illegal weapons and its no different across the United States. Only thing that will happen is making it harder for families who are just trying to protect themselves from doing so any criminal can go on the deep web and illegally buy a gun and it's probably easier than going and getting an illegal gun anywhere else.
    super71 likes this.
  18. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Burn I am gonna respectfully disagree with you on the idea that they are not trying to take guns away. Hillary Clinton has been recorded in a meeting stating the supreme court is wrong about their present interpretation of the second amendment and she wants to ban all assault weapons. Honestly if she wants to rewrite the entire second amendment it doesent take a genius to figure out that she wants to ban guns. The rest of the democratic representatives feel the same way as she does for the most part with the exception of a few.

    I am for certain gun control measures, but when these measures are put into the hands of democrats they become a double edged sword. The general definition of "assault weapon" will be interpreted according to what democrats think is appropriate. Most general definitions define an assault weapon as a long gun with a pistol grip using a magazine capable of firing in a semi-automatic fashion and used in warfare. The broad definition could account for almost all rifles in use today not just the AR-15, Kalashnikov, or the Sig Suaer M400. I am disgusted by these massacres just as much as anyone else, but the measures the democratic party wishes to take will only result in a full disarmament of the public eventually. The endgame will be a disarmed public and an ever increasing crime rate.

    I think it is even more distasteful when Obama and Hillary blamed guns for the Orlando incident instead of talking about the homophobic sharia laws that drove the closet homosexual Omar Mateen to do what he did instead of creating a healthy environment for Omar Mateen to be the gay man that he was. P.S. gun control would not have prevented Omar from getting guns because he already had clearance since he was part of the largest security detail in the USA.

    I also think it is ridiculous how every time there is a shooting everyone declares "gun control" rather than addressing the problems that drove the human being to commit the crime with the gun. P.P.S. the dallas shooter specifically states in his manifesto that he was driven to shoot police officers by all these shootings the media is pushing. Love that media always pushing the correct narrative in every situation.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Some excerpts from Clinton's speech on Orlando and her "blaming guns":

    "We know that he pledged allegiance to ISIS, that they are now taking credit and that part of their strategy is to radicalize individuals and encourage attacks against the United States, even if they are not coordinated with ISIS leadership."

    "I have no doubt -- I have no doubt we can meet this challenge if we meet it together. Whatever we learn about this killer, his motives in the days ahead, we know already the barbarity that we face from radical jihadists is profound.

    In the Middle East, ISIS is attempting a genocide of religious and ethnic minorities. They are slaughtering Muslims who refuse to accept their medieval ways. They are beheading civilians, including executing LGBT people. They are murdering Americans and Europeans, enslaving, torturing and raping women and girls."

    "In speeches like this one, after Paris, Brussels and San Bernardino, I have laid out a plan to defeat ISIS and the other radical jihadist groups in the region and beyond.

    The attack in Orlando makes it even more clear, we cannot contain this threat. We must defeat it. And the good news is that the coalition effort in Syria and Iraq has made recent gains in the last months."


    Anyway, I actually don't believe that every time there's a shooting everyone just declares "gun control" because it's not true. Gun Control is part of the conversation, yes, especially since Congress has effectively done nothing on the issue for decades while also blocking research on gun violence as a whole. So it gets a bit of a spotlight for good reason, I think.

    That said, there's plenty of talk in general about mental illness, racism, and radical Islam, etc. So I don't know where you get the idea that "everyone" declares gun control. I mean, at the very least, many conservatives don't declare gun control. I myself have discussed the mental health issue as it relates to gun ownership on this forum (because I have some personal experience with it).

    You recently wanted to clarify that there are good cops out there. So I hope you don't mind me clarifying that not everyone calls for gun control and doesn't talk about anything else - because the assertion is, frankly, false.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    Geressen likes this.
  20. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Thank you I agree with you on how to handle ISIS. What disturbs is how Obama uses this speech in Orlando to opt for more gun control instead of addressing the elephant in the room. Sharia law is homophobic and Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual who was driven to violence by the anti-gay religious principles of sharia. Everything you have stated is true, but this is the video that I am responding too.
    super71 likes this.

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