[2015-02-04] Meta Usage by Rank

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. iPox

    iPox Forum Royalty

    It's interesting to see how Underdepths become less popular the higher the rank. But other than that, all of the seven factions seem more or less balanced! ;)
    mortal ix and SPiEkY like this.
  2. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Obviously you can't prove anything from the data taken in isolation, but I think if KF were truly OP (rather than just being one of the top factions) you'd see them more often among the top ranks.

    I guess I'm more suspicious of the subjective experience of a few forum goers than i am of data like this.
    DarkJello, IMAGIRL and Nea like this.
  3. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Lol. Really?
    Its not the "faction" that is OP man, its the bonus. Jeeeeeez.
  4. Tarabostes

    Tarabostes I need me some PIE!

    This chart proves nothing. Firstly, if I'm not mistaken, this is the meta report for only one day and on a game with a playerbase like Pox has, nothing much happens in only one day. Secondly, as others already said, the power of a rune or faction is not always reflected in it's popularity.
    Pedeguerra likes this.
  5. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Also, I think the "meta" should be trimmed down to 100 instead of 200, because frankly thats where it matters (not much these days, but still).
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Protip: get good
  7. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I agree that we shouldn't take the data at face value, but we also shouldn't use the issues with it as an excuse to ignore it completely in favour of whatever dumb, biased, opinion we've formed after losing a few games.
    scrampy and Nea like this.
  8. Strings

    Strings Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Hey Sok, for my curiosity, are you able to look at how specific rune use has changed? I would like to know how the use of Harbs has changed, specifically related to overall balance patches.
  9. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    wow buff stitched,i bet that UD/FW are vamps
    this is proof sok,make it your next project
  10. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    So, every player in the game?
    Pedeguerra and SPiEkY like this.
  11. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I was waiting for some knob to say this. Great job, you win. Drawing conclusions from a single data point. And OP factions are not necessarily played more, lack of accessibility to top runes keeeps people pretty much tied to what they play, outside of a few cases.
    Netherzen likes this.
  12. Strings

    Strings Devotee of the Blood Owl

    The data could be said to indicate that at higher level play people feel capable of at least competing with KF, i.e. it is not so meta focusing that it has a overwhelming distorting impact.

    "Could". If we actually had the player based to make competitve play something more than "mere competency + time" :p
  13. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    This seems oddly familiar to a similar study that was done over 2 and a half years ago.... meaning that the meta distribution, at least with regards to faction, hasn't changed much.

    What this tells me is that those "unbelievably overpowered and overused factions" (such as KF, as i've been made aware) aren't as over the top as suggested. Sure there are some cookie cutter followers, but the way it looks those aren't the people who are tearing up the meta, at least in top play (which is all that should matter in terms of balance anyhow). Keeping up with the cookie cutters is not only very expensive money wise, but also it does not allow the player to develop well known skills on his or her deck. So with that being said, the best players are and always will be the ones who are able to perform well in one particular faction, and will generally not do as well when switching often to keep up with the meta.

    And even with all the cookie cutters, enough other players play their respective factions for the meta seekers not to make a major difference in the meta. KF isn't nearly as prevalent as everyone suggested, and UD is still the most used faction by far. It's been this way for ever, literally since the game launched. UD is and always will be the most popular faction no matter how much any one wants that to change. Additionally, it's clear the type of psychology that goes on in the forumes with regards to the meta.
    One person or group of persons suggests that something, even a whole faction, is over the top, and suddenly everyone and their gecko is agreeing and pointing fingers at the victimized faction, when really it isn't nearly as bad.... just highly exaggerated.

    Just my thoughts :)
    DarkJello and badgerale like this.
  14. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I'm sorry, but TinyDragon? And to a good extent Devilswrath?

    There are a lot of players that stick with their faction cuz flavor. And attachment. Is that the path to getting good? Idk, but I'm sure it depends on a lot of other things.
  15. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    This does not show strength, this shows popularity. Whatever though I guess KF is fine. if you see me battlemaster playing kf I totally got there with skill, just saying. Ima kf player now.
  16. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    You won't ever be battlemaster, tho.

    Go ahead and try
  17. Queegon

    Queegon I need me some PIE!

    The conclusion is clear, make SP more appealing. I know I hated it since my inception back in 2000 something. I think I ever touched a SP deck once to complete a daily, and it left me grossed out.

    Moagz, and slagslagslag...just ugh.
  18. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    Whatchu talkin 'bout Willis?

    SP is and always will be the faction of sexy smexies.
  19. Queegon

    Queegon I need me some PIE!

    "I'd hit that fesh thing" ~ PurpleTop
  20. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    People drawing conclusions from this seem to be under the impression that skilled players are evenly distributed amongst the factions, which, of course, we all know to be true.
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