
Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Cody, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Cody

    Cody The King of Potatoes

    When you use an ability while placing a spell the spell will lose it's telegraph making you think that it's canceled.
  2. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Um... I don't understand.

    You mean, if you are dragging a spell into the play area and hit like... 1 to use the first ability in the slot?
  3. Cody

    Cody The King of Potatoes

    No just regularly if you use a spell and the animation of a skill is still going while setting up an AoE spell you'll lose the telegraph. It's not a big deal. Unless you had like 10 seconds left on the clock and you wonder wtf happened to your spell.
  4. Cody

    Cody The King of Potatoes

    May be a Bokor thing.
  5. Cody

    Cody The King of Potatoes

    I only cared to re-try it once in campaign with Bokor and chains of corruption. Or, I mean uhh.. Binding chains. Bokor + Binding chains. Actually I got it right the first time. lol

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