2v2 Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Manty, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Manty

    Manty New Member

    So I thought I would post it here.

    I've been playing poxnora off and on for awhile because it's a deep game once you get into it. It takes some time to get a good runebase going but after that it's fine. I have a clique of friends I play everything with, and we tend to migrate from game to game. We want this game to be our strategy game of choice, but unfortunately we have incredibly frustrating problems with your client's ability to manage 2v2 play. In the past we used to use training grounds, both in groups of 2, countdown in VoIP then queue at same time, and get matched. Now though training grounds is restricted to just public decks.
    So now we have to do battlegrounds, where tournament legal decks are required. So I tweaked my decks to be 30:0:0... or 15:15:..., but as far as I can infer from descriptions as long as I am receiving either full faction or split faction bonus, it should be tournament legal (I assumed using horn of order in a 30 card forglar swamp deck would be legal since I'm still getting full faction bonus, but I guess not).
    The thing is, we are having inconsistencies. If we swap tabs and return then queue, we can then select decks that before were defined as "not acceptable." (This is a problem that applies everywhere too)
    So we are hoping that the game will eventually become more welcoming to 2v2 casual. (i.e., why can you not host a game that allows 4 people in the game instead of 2... would be a good fix).

    This is your battlegroup type listing. I will let you read it. Keep in mind that the first 2 sentences of Full faction suggest that if you have more than one faction, it's not full faction but I still receive the full faction bonus (+6 nora/turn). So I am led to believe that if I am getting the full faction bonus then it is a full faction battlegroup, and likewise for split faction.
    Battlegroup Types
    Full Faction: Show your pride! Putting 30 Runes of a single Faction will grant you a big bonus during battle. Plus, taking a Full-Faction Battlegroup into the Drums of War will gain extra points for that Faction!

    Split Faction (15/15): Diversify your Battlegroup! Putting 15 Runes of two different Factions will give you a small bonus from each during battle. Taking a 15/15 Battlegroup into the Ranked Play lobby will split your points between each faction. However, with a little strategy, a 15/15 Battlegroup could give you the upper hand!

    No Faction (Circus): Go wild! A No-Faction (Circus) Battlegroup has no affiliation with any specific Faction. Add any 30 Runes you want! Players can only use Circus decks in casual and single player lobbies. With Circus Battlegroups, the possibilities are endless.

    My brother has a tortun FS/SL split deck, but tortuns are FS/KT and he has 17 FS, 15 SL, 14 KT, and if this isn't split faction then it's not possible to play mangleshell in a tortun deck at all because he is the only tortun that has SL. So I am hoping that the 15/15 are minimum requirements for TOURNAMENT LEGAL and 30 for full faction, not precisely 15/15/0/... or 30/0/...

    (We were having problems selecting 15/15/0/... split faction decks too for battlegrounds as well). So either respond here or update your overview section to be more precise on what is tournament legal (particularly on inclusion of split cards), and if the problem is the client only not properly recognizing all the decks (we also tried remaking all the decks thinking that the client isn't interpreting old-imaged decks well).

    Sorry for ranting a bit, keep development going and keep us informed like you have been doing an excellent job so far post-transition.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Right, with the transition, circus decks and non-standard decks (such as the 15/15/15/15 2v2) decks at the moment don't have a place to exist in PoxNora. Right now, 2v2's can only be 60/0 or 30/30 in the battlegrounds.

    I'm not really sure though bout horn of order breaking 30/1 deck. For the deck building, the rune manager will try to do the counts fairly, but it requires that you have 15 runes of one faction and 15 runes of a different faction. I'm curious, if you would like to post this battle group, I believe you would need one more SL Rune, since Mangleshell is being counted as EITHER the FS. Said in another way, if I only had 15 runes that were all FS/KF, that would give me 15/15, but a full split faction battle group I would not have.
  3. Manty

    Manty New Member

    My brother is the one with the deck using mangleshell.
    But to understand this properly, if I am using a split faction BG, is my teammate strong-armed into playing a split-faction BG?

    Also, I would like some feedback on a more fluid 2v2 system (the ranked still says 2v2 beta lol) and allowing games that can house 4 people with random decks (it's so hard to bring new people in the game as it is, then you have these constraints to satisfy as well...).

    Thanks for the response and sorry for my delayed response.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    At the moment, unless it changed in the past 48 hours (which is possible, I have just been away due to Finals), that you are not allowed to use a split faction BG in 2v2, you are both required to use a full faction battle group.
  5. Morningstarz

    Morningstarz Member

    great idea I wonder if we could have a beta test on these issues sorta where you could play different ideas out.

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