4th Hero

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by dsjtheman, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    Just a thought, if we were to get a fourth hero, what race would you like to see it be? Personally, Id like either a treefolk or fairy. We already have an elf, garu, and centaur.
  2. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    It makes sense for it to be De'lim (given all the lore in the last expansion or two). But I'd rather have a fairy that synergized w/ spell casting, which would allow bliss to be remade to have more centaur centered abilities rather than spell synergy and healing (off the top of my head, mobility oriented abilities, ap gen, and perhaps some root/slam interactions seem like they would interact well with skirmishers and savages).

    Also, I'm not really sure how to make a treefolk look heroic...give him a sign that protestors use against logging? Char him as a forest fire survivor? Give him lots of bird nests?
  3. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!


    Then De'lim

    Both elves.
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    The fourth hero is likely to be the reskin of a uncommon rune.
  5. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    Treefolk... or just make K'thun a real champion instead of an unmovable meat factory so he could be the theme's hero.

    I'll settle for De'lim though, since that's more likely.

    Side Note: I had to think for almost 2 minutes before I could remember who the Garu hero is. :D
    dsjtheman likes this.
  6. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    Vashal/Beast could be decent. Suppose we have a Garu 150k but an Archer Hero could be nice.
  7. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    Some Heroic Treefolk:
  8. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    that third one is amazing looking
    Raikan likes this.
  9. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    I'm biased, but I vote for Vashal... Second choice would be De'lim, third, and a long shot by 200,000 km is Sporegill!!!!
  10. GIFTbr

    GIFTbr Member

  11. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    My vote would go to Amareth. She could be an awesome and tricky Fairy Queen. Second would be a Treefolk hero. Third would be De'lim.
  12. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I agree; third was does look amazing. It reminds me just a bit of the Last of Us.
  13. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    That third picture is Verdeloth, the Ancient ftom MtG.

    The list of options based on the lore would be Lilim, Delim, Godwin, or Amareth, or re-making Kthun to not suck.
    I don't particularly like faeries so I dont want to see Amareth. Godwin was originally the (horrible) Elder Garu, and I would be delighted to see that rune reskinned and remade into a heroic garu bruiser. Might be a little unfair for garu though since then they would have Fiorn, Dugon, AND Godwin.

    Competatively wise, I would really be happy seeing a Archer/ranger version of Lilim, and possibly an update/buff to his boots to make it meta-worthy. Archers and rangers are both fringe themes because there is so much range hate and because the vegetation sub-theme is weak. I'd love to see these themes made to shine.

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