5 small changes and why to Spirit champions

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by BansheeX, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Spirits was my first love and has always been the theme I enjoyed the most in FW.
    I think I am the one person in Pox who has played them the most and I hope my input here might persuade the devs to take heart on them and salvage the theme.
    Apart from the Haunting Spirit the changes are to easy to get runes and I will once again advocate for a way to make Haunting Spirit and other unobtainable runes available in a reskinned version. Baring new players from getting runes will be a turn off for them.

    1. Utterdark Spectre
    It´s the linchpin of the Stealth game of Spirits. It should be the theme enable, not an expensive combat champion. In the old version it was overcosted and the revamp version it is even more so.
    Suggested change to make the Spectre fullfil it role:
    Damage 6--Speed 6--Range 1-2--Defence 0 HP45
    Attack Physical
    Boon of the Undead
    Soultap--Murk--Adaptive Forsaken Wastes
    Phase Shift--Spell Resistance

    2. Haunting Spirit
    Its current must be a mistake. I cant imagine it having speed 1 and no upgrades is intentionally. Price for the Haunting should at the max be around the 40 mark it used to have.
    Damage 0--Speed 4--Range 1 --Defence 0 HP30
    Boon of the Undead
    Sonic Aura 2--Sonic Aura 3--Sonic Aura 1
    Depression--Latch On

    3. Nether Wraith
    It should not be a Surging melee champ as its core. Its the original Hex champion so let that be the focus.
    Keep stats as is and change abilities to:
    Attack Physical
    Boon of the Undead
    Hex 3
    Trickster--Stealth--Fading Light
    Energy Thief--Depression--Soultap

    4. Utterdark Soulrender
    The original Soulsift champion. Lets restore it to that please.
    Attack Magical
    Boon of Undead
    Soul channeling
    Soul Sift 1--Soul Sift 2
    Phase Shift--Initiative 1--Initiative 2

    5. Banshee (Formerly known as Blood Banshee)
    Please for all that is unholy lets do away with the Vampire racial on her. Banshees are not vampires, they are evil spirits of death. Spirits are light on range so a Fascinate champion is a great idea. Defiling aura can imo be left to the Defiling Knight and Phaseshift will be far more thematic and fitting for her.
    Attack: Sonic
    Boon of the Undead
    Phase Shift
    Domain Dead Magic Zone--Wail of Grief
    Sonic Aura 2-- Sonic Aura 3-- Sonic Aura 1

    As always feel free to come with your constructive input and opinions :)
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
  2. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    Agreed that spirits are very disappointing. Another theme wrecked. I'm looking forward to see what G decides to do with it now.

    Glimpse into Utterdark is pointless now that spirits don't even have their signature phase shift ability base...
  3. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    To be fair Glimpse was shoebox even when they did.
  4. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    Haunting spirit is connected to haunting grasp spell so ghost can't be base as it would overpower that spell.
    Most likely you'd need to move Sonic aura base and have attach and depression upgrades be 2 separate upgrade paths with spd 3, and ghost as the 2nd choices in each.

    I do agree that 1 spd and no upgrades whatsoever is not good. Especially when comparing the other LE which do indeed have at least 1 other upgrade in their path (look at baby fur ball).

    Spirits would love to have a yeti spirit like champion yet Distrubing spirit is so labored with hi AP abilities and no speed that it fails.
    Yeti Spirit to split FW/ST? yes please.
  5. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    I forgot that damn spell. Perhaps the solution is to change the spell?*
    Any speed less than 4 would make the champion worthless from my experience with it. It simply never will be able to get into a font or near a champion in anything that resembles a reasonable time

    Yeti Spirit is OP for its effect. Speed 5, HP ratio (especially in ST) and Amplify Damage with own aura as well is incredibly insane.

    *Haunting Grip. Cost?
    Target Friendly Spirit gains Latch on, Lifedrain Aura and Depression. If the spirit is adjacent to an enemy champion it gains 3 AP and automaticly attempts to Latch on to the enemy champion.
  6. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    to be fair, the entire spirit theme was shoebox too, if it could even be called a theme. It was far exceeded in power by surge lich decks.
  7. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    It seems that all themes currently have the Boost/Surge thing going for them.
    For spirits I'd like for them to be more thematic and have Vengeful instead of just straight SURGE!

    Skeletons should probably remain with surge/boost/eat theme. Zombies with meat explosion and charging.
    Liches...well...Liches currently have an artificial theme slapped on with evil aura then boost. They could use design focus perhaps on pots and rebirth. Spirits stealth/etherial/soultap.

    As for Haunting spirit it can simply be made so that the upgrades give that spd back to you as an option so that the spell doesn't need to change. It would be interesting if it did though, perhaps when non-champs are combed over? I wouldn't list this spell as one of the ones needing a full redesign though. That award goes to Black ops, necrosis, crown of night barbs.

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