A Bards Tale

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by MaruXV, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    Just because why not, i was trying to make a Bards bg in KF. here's what i came to


    angel singer: a little expensive but has high utility with heal, norashield and song
    arrowsinger: preparation and illuminate to hit from far. might go 1prep 1 horn to boost melee
    bliss: cheap build
    emissary: i thougt it was one of the worst units in kf. it isnt, but that doestn mean its good. relocate ally, spd 8, channel spd can help for some nasty tricks, but otherwise its just a bit meh. evasive 2 to keep cheap.
    elven bard: tempo and charme 1. nothing needed to be said
    fairy enchantress: soften and stun at rng5-6 its good. very fragile though
    galesinger: pilfer for equips, and gale for KB.
    fiorn: i want to run it with commander as he is a bard , but then it loses heavy charger...
    snakedancers: with elite blade they become weapons of destruction. expensive, but strong. our stronger contester

    not used bards: tireless harvester (no reason here, no plants) and elven artisan (no need for this)

    any ideas?
    Xirone and Fentum like this.
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    It seems like Woodland Jester, with Resonance, could be a heavy hitter against some decks. Circle Messenger relocates it and boom! Maybe one less Tortun?

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