A Couple Worms Questions

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by kalasle, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I'm working on a Worms primer, and as a result am messing around with different BG configurations. As a precursor -- I hope a way to quicken the process -- it would help to talk about upgrades on a couple of the more expensive worms.

    Putrid: Am warming up to this guy, and am using Consume/Scour. Greeting provides global de-stealth, though, and aura is hands-free. Anyone playing this guy post-patch have feelings on a particular set?

    Blinking: Detection feels like a must on the first one of these in a BG. The whole first tree is a wonder, though, and Unspeakable and Jab both have additional worms synergy. I've heard Vengeful/Jab as a go-to, but am most torn on this guy.

    Bloodworm: Surge? Siphon? Assault? Multi? The bleed upgrades are obvious no's, but I'm left lost when it comes to the 2x2 matrix of other options. Has anyone had specific success with one pairing? Even some theory crafting and arguments would help me here. He feels like a bad deploy so often that it's hard to test any setup.

    Carrion Colossus: Not gonna lie, Colossus has done more than I expected. If he lost swarm and a point of defense (costing him about 6 nora each right now) he would be in a good spot. Anyway, Ravenous Torrent seems the better pick for U2, certainly over Dead Eater, but U1 is a bit harder. How many 2x2's has everyone encountered? Swarm is tempting in worms, but will be maybe a couple points of damage, versus the cheaper and AP-less damage from aura.
    Netherzen likes this.
  2. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    I don't think anyone is actually playing wroms anymore after losing martyr. Colossus is a complete joke of a rune and just gets onerounded or FRed way too much.

    Bloodworm is like 20 nora too expensive if you compare it to similar runes.

    Putrid is a waste of resources, it would have been nice if worms still had martyr he could ravish.

    Blinking is too slow for his cost. 9 damage for 80+ nora is HORRIBLE on a run with no support abilties. Worms really cant afford to have him sit back and build vengeful stacks.
  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    So, any comment on upgrades?
  4. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Putrid - Consume/Scour
    Carrion Colossus - no
    Blinking Vengeful/Jab
    Bloodworm Multiattack/life Siphon

    A more in depth analysis of my previous post.

    Bloodworm is just flat out worse than Blood Fiend. There is no way around this. Blood worm is stuck either having 49 hp as a melee with no damage or with no healing. His 2 best upgrades are stuck in the same upgrade slot.

    Putrid doesn't "do" much, he is just a tank. Be nice if he had something ranged but nothing comes to mind.

    Carrion colossus might be the worst rune in the game. Ravenous Torrent is horrible considering it reduces his damage and isn't aoe. Vivify would be nice if it was a skeleton but worms really don't have that many out at once considering their suicidal playstyle. Dead eater is a waste on such a fat unit, especially in a theme with Putrid and Dusk.

    Blinking is fine, but only because he is the only ranged option for worms outside of Eye of Serkan. He has 6 speed, 3-5 range and 9 base damage for a minimum of 78 nora. Compare this to any other rune of similar stats and he is inferior. (See: Arrowsinger, Elite Skirmisher, Lonx Marauder etc.)
  5. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Thanks for the input.
  6. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    Putrid ~ i tried ravage but i felt that the ability is way worse than i thought and that consume is way better in comparison making putrid cheaper and allowing it to heal , i just wish he had another charge ability because after getting tough 3 he just keeps stacking them with nothing to do with em

    Blinking ~ i go with vengeful and chose detection over jab because while jab does damage one champion i feel that detection helps out more in the long run

    Bloodworm ~ a champion that is so split between themes that he is bland in both of them and cost too much for what other champions do imo he is one of weakest creeps you can field because for what he does the other creeps do better and for less the only build that is really good is multi and life siphon but even then he isnt good

    Carrion Colossus ~ i go with surge worm and vivify mainly to get the fatty moving quickly and making sure he hits hard , what he needs is for the propagate carrion ability to have the bone elemental clause removed from it so that it would work like it use to which would make him more of a threat and also make ravenous torrent spawn carrionlings making the ability better. he could also use protection from spells or a way to heal himself considering he cant use equipment and is in essence a giant pus filled target thats nora tag says "hit me with everything you have im worth it".
  7. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Putrid creeper - consume + anything
    Ravish is a poor ability duo to lack of good targets and its both more expensive and weaker then consume.
    Acidic greeting,aura or a dot are all good upgrades on him,it all depends on your playstyle and how much you want to pay for,i like aura the best but i can understand if someone would run something different
    Bloodworm- overcosted crappy champion,the most shoeboxed worm ever,dont ever run him
    Blinking creeper- since you can get detection on eye of serkan,i would go for jab+venegeful if you want to use him in the back and focus on dealing damage,or i would run unspeakable+dread(or even horr aura) if you want him to be agressive on the front,using fear and gaze he could stall a font/frontline.
    Carrion Colossus-Hunter:giant+vivify
    These two upgrades make his go from crap to situationaly "ok" because ap gen and a large damage bonus and defense bonus(combined with his high def) can make him alright.Every other upgrade is a trap and a poor choice.Dead eater is pointless and ravenous torrent is a crappy ability that worms dont really need,disease aura is not good enough compared to hunter and surge worm is not good,because if you can field enough worms to make it a good upgrade and you can deploy a CC you already have enough nora to win with anything,carrions that spawn from CC are simply to weak(5 hp) and they depend completely on your opponent.
  8. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    blood worm is good, I use him with life siphon, he stays alive. i been doing a myx/worm bg in unranked for fun. On of my favorites is if i can get rage band on blood fiend. BOOM fury and dose not lose AP. I wish blinking creeper would loss petrifying gaze, that would be -10nora.
  9. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    The myx/worm bg will soon no longer work since anthropods are being removed from reworked necrosis.Worms will also lose boneshredder,a very good and viable champion.Its pretty stupid that a theme with so few champions is losing already established champions,like martyr recently.
    claydude5 likes this.
  10. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Its the SL and ST zealots on the forums who cry about FW 24/7 and get us nerfed even when we are the worst faction in the game. Sok listens to them and unfortunatly our council is honest as opposed to ST or FS.
  11. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    @OriginalG1 How have you felt Bloodworm stacking up against other options and other champions? Do you run Multi or Opp Assault?
  12. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    I have to say after my original outrage I am really liking Putrid Creeper, I'm also running him with Scour and Consume. Ravish is still kinda poop but Consume + Necrosis can be pretty hard to deal with. As far as Harvest Organs goes you just have to pre plan and not put a Dusk Creeper too close, Consume obviously makes this easier.

    Running Blinking Creeper with Ping and Vengeful, I don't use Detect as i run 2x Eye of Serkan with it.

    I'm still unconvinced by Blood Worm, his upgrades are a mess and i often forget it exists.

    Carrion Colossus has also pleasantly surprised me but i can't help but think he is just a more expensive and drastically less efficient Coragh every time i play him. Unless im swimming in nora i doubt i'll use this guy very much.
  13. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Yeah, I feel better about Putrid. I still think he has problems as a component of worms, but at least he's a fun kind of trash -- worms in a nutshell.

    Have you tried other Blinking builds yet? I've been swapping fast between them. Gotta say, Horrific Aura is awesome at rank 3. Powerful ability at CD3.

    Colossus is just a mite too expensive and squishy for what he does, but yeah, his recent appearances make me feel he isn't far from viable.
  14. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    i was using him because i did not have putrid creeper, but i still run blood worm though un cp-ed, multi attack and life siphon. i dunno a 7 speed champ, 2 d (in fw what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), life siphon, i do not get what is not to like. There are more creeper that do way less then he dose.

    looking at you blinker creeper.

  15. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    10 DMG without the potential to increase it (you could lose his healing), 80+ nora, and nothing else on his books. That's why I dislike him, at least. Which other creeper does less?
  16. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    like i said, i mix with sl so i have range band mimic. i can make blood creeper work. i edited the older post, drunk, made grammar mistakes.
  17. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    damn. i meant mindthief creeper. i never use him so i did know his name. really, ping 1 was too op?
  18. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    I've not tried anything different, not a huge fan of unspeakable on a ranged champ, Horrific Aura i do like but again not so great on a ranged champ and i think Dread is a little overcosted for what it does. Vengeful seems to fit worms perfectly, though i would much rather have Psychic Ping than Jab.
  19. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I've found Unspeakable and Aura let him run strong interference as a mid-range unit. He can deploy directly without fear of immediate attack. Good synergy with Petrifying, as well; but yes, not perfect on a ranged unit.

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