A Few PS4/New Client Questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by moodudu, May 29, 2017.

  1. moodudu

    moodudu Member

    First, I'd like to say that I was really looking forward to the PS4 release. Being able to casually play PoxNora while comfy in bed on a big screen TV sounds grand. I sat through the delays, fully expecting an announcement that it had been cancelled to eventually come, but to my patient surprise, it's here. Sure, things are clunky, and improvements can be made, and why'd you go from a java-based game to a unity-based game, you wanting a third strike?, but whatever. Now I've lurked the forums for the past week, and saw the backlash for the new client, but didn't really let it affect my perceptions. I figured someone would ask the questions I wanted answered, but no one has, as far as I know, yet. So anyway:

    1. So I read a blog post where eight limited edition heroes were given to playstation players, and eight angels were given to playstation plus customers. I signed up for playstation plus. You can also link your accounts. Which I did. Then I began looking for my free runes. And they weren't there. I later found a redemption page with them on it. If I had linked my account later rather than sooner, would I have had those sixteen runes for use on my computer too? Or are they totally PS4 exclusive? No big deal either way, it isn't a waste of money, I'll be playing some Rev 2 this month. Just wish it was clearer.

    2. If they are PS4 exclusive like I imagine they are, is there any chance there will be a pack in the future with these runes in it for computer players?

    3. All my runes were doubled when linked. I mean, sweet, thanks, but was this supposed to happen? Should I shard everything before it gets fixed/fixes itself? What's the deal?

    4. Vindrax...yes, his limited edition is Forsaken Wastes. This bug was reported about a billion times since it appeared in the checklist, and you guys had six months to fix it, and I thought it was just a graphical bug (wrong border on the card), but I go to put Vindrax in a deck...and the game client reads it as a Forsaken Wastes rune. What's the deal?

    5. So far I'm impressed with the new client, and it looks pretty slick with the full non-cropped artwork and stuff, and the controls (at least for deckbuilding, I haven't played an actual game yet) are intuitive and easy once you get the hang of learning them. But booting up the computer's new client, it is pretty obvious that it's a carbon copy of the PS4 version. Meaning it is designed to work with a gamepad. Is there any chance we'll be getting some upgrades/updates to the computer client to allow for mouse use? The best example I can think of for this so far is when selecting a deck you've built and making it your in-use deck. There are several arrows that seems like you'd be able to hit them with the mouse, but they don't work, since on the gamepad it is a L-stick slider. Another example I can think of is when building a deck, a scrollbar on the right side would be nice (along with non-repeating scroll). Some drop-down menus would be nice in places as well. Is there any chance these things will be added in the future, or am I going to have to download those PS4 controller drivers to my computer?

    Anyway, I haven't even played a game yet, and I'm sure when I do, I'll have a ton of other questions. Thanks in advance to the community for the ones they're able to answer.
    Gnomes likes this.
  2. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    1. No. Yes.

    2. Fairly certain yes since not all of them are available on ps4 client.

    3. Mine were too, sharding doesn't work on ps4 client with copied runes as far as I can tell so I guess we all got bummed for being lazy and not disenchanting runes before hand.

    4. lol FW OP.

    5. Since they "built" this client as opposed to the last one, the idea is that it would be way easier to change Bane Shift they wanted. Not sure if this is the case or will become reality, but lets hope this means they can add some more features for both versions in the future.

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