A patch? Let's kneejerk it, we haven't done that in a while

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by Jib, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    It's a thing.

    Haven't seen adjusted costs yet but can't say I disagree with what I'm seeing.

    Waylay and Quicken nerfs. Eh, was bound to happen, Quicken is still runnable at 40.

    Then the good(?) stuff, hope you like playing Draks because it's all you're going to do. In no particular order :

    -Gunner @ 6spd, gonna get nurfed
    -Psion looks really, really good
    -Doomsayer and Augmenter(wut?) with atk:magic. #20sources
    -Big daddy Lord : they tried but the upgrade paths cannibalizes themselves too much. SO CLOSE
    -On that note, I've always said that the last things Draks needed was more "boosts". Whatever here's Commander
    -Vivify is cute but Legionnaire should still see 0 play
    -I had to look up what Spell Aegis did. k?

    Hot stuff, Draks should be fun for about a week.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
    Woffleet likes this.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    What he said.

    I'm peeved about the magical at random for these two and not for the magical "im a druid" and all that stuff guy. But whatever.
    Snogvie still needs race demi-god. Pretty please.
  3. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Doomsayer getting Magic was fine, he's a decent include that got pushed. Augmenter though? Who cares about that guy.

    Ravenspeaker will never happen.
  4. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    This patch was Drakkie heavy because this was put together back in August. Figured we'd be seeing patches with more frequency to get most of the themes to reasonable places.

    Ideally everyone would work top tone down some of their spells a bit, but before I can start raising to much of a fuss for others I figured I need to get sl's house in order, lest I get nothing but cries of hypocrite.

    Things didn't quite get tweaked as I would have hoped, but there were steps in the right direction.

    Ideally we'll get many of the overall cost brought into line. Not much of that got in, but oh well.

    AND yeah, the magic attack stuff was kinda random.
    Woffleet likes this.
  5. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    I'm just going to quote myself from a previous thread and walk away quietly...:D
    Anima26 and Kampel like this.
  6. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Push for Mastertrapsmith!
  7. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Doomsayer works cause he's hella cheap. Just like spellsword. Augmenter, even gunner I think will not make it to the cut just because they got hella costy ( I mean 5 nora for one rank of piercing shot on gunner? what)
  8. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    But that extra damage. Much worthes
  9. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    PS2 @ 70 seems "fine" (yeah, loose fine) to me.

    I was doing a skirmish to get a feel of the new stuff and actually had to work my way around those fairybugs immune magic thingies. #toomanysources

    So yeah way less hype. Dlord kinda meh (didn't that thing have 7spd at some point?), Wyrmpriest still useless (would be better if Sermon was on the 1st upgrade path), Doomsayer doomsayin, Legionnaire and Spellsword whatever.... the big mvp of the patch wasn't even in the SL notes : that 69 nora Psion is pure sex.
  10. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    Wyrmpriest is good for new players who don't have access to Pope if nothing else. Spellsword I think is better than most people give it credit, and Legionnaire is something of a wild card (not sure if good or terrible yet).
  11. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Easy Sermon is great, it's just that the champ will bring absolutely nothing else if a clunky as hell "global" heal every once in a while. But I'm glad it's there. Spellsword was always a nice little package but those 3 upgrades aren't enough to change your mind if you weren't running it before... hell just Doomsayer getting atk mag kinda nipped it's usefulness in the bud.

    It's an ok patch overall, just nothing mindblowingly deck changing... which I guess isn't a bad thing after all
    WraithxxV likes this.
  12. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Considering some of the other factions got hit with some larger nerfs SL's changes were more minor improvements/changes barring the cost increase to Quicken.

    As for your initial post "-Doomsayer and Augmenter(wut?) with atk:magic. #20sources" if I remember right SL had the least number of Magic damage champions this is just to make it a little more accessible.
    Kampel likes this.
  13. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    the main concern, i'd imagine, is that there is a fairly massive difference between "number of sources of damage in a faction" and "number of viable sources of damage in a faction"

    or in other words, it's been a long while since anyone cared about augmenter. though i haven't taken a close look recently, i don't imagine he's aged well (and he was not decent to begin with).

    while as a gesture it's nice, in terms of practical use i'd be surprised if the augmenter got much out of this. though i do agree it makes more sense for him to be magic than phys regardless

    (and doomsayer's been almost borderline for a bit, this might be enough for some people to tip it. so that's something)
  14. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Im liking the Draksar changes quite alot tbh, Wyrmpriest still kinda sucks for me, im just not a fan of the Rite abilities but the easy access to Sermon is great. Doomsayer got better, again easier access to BM if u dont have Centurion/Angels, even though it is only rank 1. I like weaken spells a lot, Spellsword is great imo, lots of good abilities for a cheap cost. Legionnaire is ok, i probably still wont use him. Psion is really good, 6 range alt dmg is welcome, really nice ranged unit. You also indirectly buffed my fs/sl knockback deck :). Draksar Lord looks interesting as a 1x for Commander, also easy to obtain as it is Core Set. Gunner getting the 6 spd seems like a nice buff. Some good range buffs to Draksar, more magic dmg and some nice buffs to common/uncommon runes too.

    Nice patch.

    However, you did not buff my Serpentor Ardents so i am still sad qq.

    Edit: and Skywing Imperators cost seems crazy, id prefer it if he just didnt have acolyte abilities, i cant run him at that high nora cost.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
    Woffleet and Kampel like this.
  15. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Skywing imperators weren't runnable before either. So no big change there.
  16. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Yeh thats mainly why i mentioned it, he got nerfed when he didnt need it so it bugged me a little. I did like running him in my sand deck with Varu Dragon sidekicks, rare source of Desert Walker and he does hit quite hard with a Mantle.
  17. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Well there are issues with some sand abilities being over costed that is a big part pod sands problem. Once that gets fixed then a closer look can be taken at everything else.
    Anima26 likes this.
  18. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Ardent needs a fix
    Morph needs her abilities swaped (Metamorphosis for Mutate so mutate is base..) she needs to be at 70 nora range so any drawback is welcome..
    Centurion needs OPTIONS....

    I liked this patch but im still waitting for draksars to get an actual change.. regen is still taking 90% of upgrade paths, regen is still overcosted, almost half SL champs have sandbag/redundant abiltiies.. some like morph could use some ability twick..

    Thank you anyway.
  19. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    I'm going to be completely honest with you here. If at any point in time I can improve a theme by buffing a common/uncommon/rare/Exo over a leg/LE, I will do that every single time.

    I know people like their leg/LEs that they spent an arm and a leg to obtain to be awesome, but given there is a very finite amount of things I can change in any given patch, LEs/legs are very low on that list.

    I'm sorry if that's upsetting, but i felt making the various SL themes better and more accessible is more important, particularly with the current unobtainability of LEs/legs.
    SPiEkY and WraithxxV like this.
  20. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    It's not upsetting, i wasn't complaining about your job nor the changes done on this patch. on the contrary i welcome all of them and i also like your aproach to "buff candidates", i just meant that things like regen being overcosted look easy to fix to my eyes and i sayd there are some champs that seem to have an easy fix like moving morph's abilities around.

    Pox history teached me that when a race gets focused on a patch then the entire theme goes to the end of the "needs-fix's list". Basically im afraid that if i look too happy about a patch then asking for another change makes me look selfish.

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