About Rank system.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NFix, May 3, 2014.

  1. NFix

    NFix Member

    so. first at all. sorry for my english.

    i started playing ranked games with unc 399.
    been played these games what u seen on the picture.
    if i calculate right. i had 3 lost and 8 won matches
    Today after the rank update my rank gone to Unc 416. im just curious unc rank gets higher if u go lower?
    Or there is no rule if u win more like what u lose u'll get higher rank? Srsly dont get it.

    If anyone can tell me how its exactly works would be aweshome cus at this point there is no intrest to play ranked games if ure rank just goes down even if u win 80% of ure games.

  2. Schmacko

    Schmacko I need me some PIE!

    Its an ELOish system. When you look at your profile you have an experience number and this is what determines your rank. It goes up when you win and down when you lose. Greater disparity between your current experience and your opponents will cause your experience to go up or down more drastically depending on if you win or lose. So its most likely that if you went 8 and 3 your experience increased. However the rank also takes into account everyone else's experience. So if people near you moved up faster your rank could still fall slightly like you saw.
  3. NFix

    NFix Member

    so its a personal / global rank system at once?
    i get XP for my opponents but ure Rank is depends on the global XP.
    its looks like the rank is in sync with the luck then.
    if u getting more higher ranked enemy more times than u have more chanche to get higher rank.
    But if u dont get these high ranked players so often and u only get lower ranked u're only way is to get lower ranked.

    But lmk if im not right :D
  4. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    if you have a meta BG, you should be on the rank your experience puts you on.

    if you have a moderate BG then it's a mix of luck and experience.

    I focus more on learning than on increase my rank, what's the purpose of being Exotic if when I encounter an experienced player Im being crushed even if the other player has crappy runes.
  5. NFix

    NFix Member

    well as u can see on the picture, i keep winning my games. atm using ferren / kas bg whats looks pretty effective. i still have to learn. and this gets me disappointed how i keep winning and i keep losing my rank at the same time. just tought i got a bit better understand of my bg and about pox but my rank shows im shhh :D
    i've been tryed out almost all the kind of bg what sync togheter. been lost over 2million PB just trought these trades in and out. And i think i still dont have a really good bg what fits my style. My knowlenge is not so good now to build up my own personal bg so i have to copy :/
    And i know there are free bgs what u can use / buy for golds. but its not the same :D its not your own :D
  6. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

    Watch your exp on your profile, not your rank so we can keep track better, in general the ranking system is extremely bugged and often you will lose xp despite winning a lot of games.
  7. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Basically ranked is ****ed, if you expect to go up in rank you wont and when when you go 0-10 expect to gain about 400 ranks.
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Haha thats about right.
    Zenity I think had a cool proposal for ranked, I do hope something gets done with it.
    I mean, the incentives we have to keep a high rank are so minor that the only one I really consider "cool" is hitting BM. After that, it gets too boring. That and Tiny ruining the fun for everybody.

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