An idea for daily quests

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ragic, May 28, 2014.

  1. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    In Hearthstone the majority of gold earned each day is done by completing quests. The quests require you to win X number of games with Y or Z character. The result of this (for me anyway) is that I want a 'functional' deck for each of the classes in the game. I have a favorite of course and develop it first, but not at the expense of the other decks to point where I feel they aren't useful. As a result, just about every single pack of cards I open in that game leads to improvement in at least one or more of my decks. I get a sense of 'progression' with each pack opened.

    In Pox Nora, you are much more likely to specialize in just one faction, and so a typical pack in Pox Nora is less likely to satisfy that feeling of needed progression. What if Pox Nora too had quests that required you to play decks of a particular faction? And these quests rewarded a significant amount of gold (thus not easily ignored). Would this not also cause players to want to develop decks across faction? This then should lead to more enjoyment out of each pack opened.

    But regardless of quests, I feel like Pox would benefit from anything that incentivizes building up more than one faction.
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
    Pedeguerra likes this.
  2. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Forcing people to play more than one faction is imo not a good idea.
    Goyo likes this.
  3. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    God, what are you thinking? I barely have runes for one faction ¬¬...
    mortemdeus likes this.
  4. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    hmm, how can you incentivize (or reward) playing more than one faction without it feeling 'forced'.
  5. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    You cant really.
    If people see that getting gold for playing another faction than the one they have the runes, for they will feel left out of the gold i.e "cheated" or forced to play something they do not want to/have the runes for.
  6. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    If we don't understand "bonus" as "additional things" we are going to have problems implementing anything.
    A "bonus" isn't a punishment for those who cannot fulfill the requirements.
    It's a nice idea, I would limit it to PvP games in any of their variants though.
    Also, "I don't have runes" is pretty invalid considering the existence of the public decks.
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    but if you limited it to pvp games then you would be putting a much higher 'rune requirement' on the decks used. The quests I was imagining was on the order of the current dailies in difficulty (so those public decks would be somewhat viable). But you WANT to generate some need here, that's what makes opening packs seem more useful as you would be improving the decks you would use to beat the quests.

    As to BansheeX's point about not wanting to play a certain faction, I get that, somehow each class in hearthstone is fun in its own way to play but I cant say the same thing for the factions in pox nora, some you either love or hate regardless of rune availability. Maybe you could have two levels of daily quest, the first is the normal one we have now and the second would be an optional 'challenge level' where using a particular faction (and who knows maybe a whole series of special randomized deck restrictions) for the added bonus gold?

    well, now this is starting to sound like Gedden's 'events' so this may already be covered in the near future. Deosnt hurt to pick apart the theory behind the idea though and see what would or would not work well in pox.
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I really like this idea and I'm down with Ragic on this one.
    As I already said a bazilion times, I have been playing Hearthstone for almost half a year now, and it feels just great. Haven't spent a dime yet, and already have a vast collection of cards for every hero.
    I do get a sense of progression every time I get a new card for one of my decks, and even though most of the time I'm just disenchanting repeated stuff, I almost have enough to craft any legendary I want entirely for free.
    To be fair, though, I never play ranked, since the gold rate there is awful. Arena runs, however, can get you a lot of gold if you play well, and most of the time I'm opening packs without spending even gold on them.
    I think the F2P model of Hearthstone should be copied.
  9. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    I'm a f2p'er in Hearthstone as well. Its a valid point though that there seems to be little incentive to spend any money at all in HS, until the dungeon hits. I'm gonna be throwing money at that thing for sure. Anyway with Pox, I don't know that being quite as free as HS would be a good thing, but I do believe it can move in that direction for the purpose of giving new players a better early experience. My feeling towards f2p is that you want your game 'free enough' to get people addicted to it. That addiction is what will fuel purchases for the high end game stuff (or increased options). I know there is the feeling out here that f2p should be a free game with paid for fluff, but I just don't see that exact model working well in pox. maybe if it had a much larger playerbase, but surely not currently.
  10. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Not to offend, but I think the problem starts when you compare poxnora and hearthstone.

    Two different games, especially talking about complexity. On poxnora, you have to focus on a single deck to make it competitive. This can be a problem of balance of the game itself, but it is as it is.

    If you think about it, half of the runes in poxnora are not being used anymore because they became underpowered by others. Because of this, the freedom you have while creating a battlegroup is limited if you want to make it competitive.

    Just my opinion, of course.
  11. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    true but that's a ranked play factor. You don't need 'best in slot' runes to beat a daily quest, especially if that quest actually limits your deck in various ways. You may make the point that any rune not going towards making your main faction more competitive should be sharded and not used for daily quests... that depends on how rewarding those quests are yeah?
  12. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    This is a valid point.
    I do agree that having no reason to spend money would be the end of Pox.
    I just think its super cool that I was able to afford to get most of the cards for every hero in HS, and in Pox it took me like 4 years to complete my collection of ST stuff, and thats spending money on it.
    Either way, improvements need to be made, and you sir have some good suggestions here.
  13. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I think if it's implemented in a PvE it would just become yet another thing to grind and that's not your intention.
    If you have to play against other players you might be actually interested in being at least decent or in enjoying the bg, I would give the bonus for people playing win or lose in tg, custom or ranked, just like the new "training day" award works.
    Considering that things are done to get the tg to work properly (this would be the entire basis of my point) it shouldn't be a problem to get a fair match. And if things are done to make the public decks a bit more balanced, it would also allow to 75% of the players (as in, everybody minus limited and best exotics) to also play custom or ranked matchs with them while they form their own decks.
    And to people that refuse to play other faction than his own, they would still receive a bonus, it would be 1/8 of the bonus a all faction player receives but that's reasonable enough.
    Split should award half the achievement as a FF bg (as in you need to play 2 games with FF and 4 with split to get the bonus, or 1 FF/2 split)
  14. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Good points as well.
  15. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    the quests in HS do require you to get PvP wins.... the only hesitation I have with pox is just how competitive it is, a player could conceivably be 'shut out' of daily rewards. A big enough playerbase would fix that but its the same old cart before the horse situation pox is always in.
  16. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    If every faction has a free deck that's somewhat competitive then there'd be no drawback.

    It would be a great way to get people to reach out to other factions.
    Goyo likes this.
  17. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Maybe this can reach the attention of the devs after the revamp. This would make the game much more welcoming to new players.
  18. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    I'm a fan of many of the things Hearthstone does, including daily faction quests. To be clear, these quests must be against other random players (not bots or arranged matches)

    The issue is there's a lot more runes in this game, and thus collecting all the runes is too expensive or would take too long. Thus, many players (including me) stick to one or two factions in order to be competitive. However, this means that players like myself miss out on most of the game's content.

    This was one of the main reasons why I suggested the split double format -- playing with half of your own runes and half of your opponent's, in a random ranked matching. Your opponent gets to share his deck and you get to try out another faction. Since the pairings are random, players won't reliably be able to play runes they don't own.

    However, simply having free decks may be enough -- they'd just need to update frequently enough to be playable.
  19. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    I have dabbled in Hearthstone and absolutely love their take on drafting.

    A similar problem exhausts in that Hearthstone has a large number of factions/heros to choose from. However, it gets around this inherent problem by working the majority of the faction/hero limited runes into the learning period. A good portion of the runes in packs are actually factionless or neutral that can be used by anyone so even though there are 8+ factions the chances are very high you get a good amount of runes you can actually use in anything (about half).

    Poxnora on the other hand has 8 factions and packs of 10 meaning you're roughly going to get 1.2 runes in your main faction and 2.4 runes if you have two factions.

    Increasing the incentive to play multiple factions actually increases the perceived value of a pack so I believe this is a great idea! Hearthstone allows practice games to count towards the quests so I'd allow any random games in the training grounds to count.

    Doing this may help populate the training grounds and make the free decks more viable.
  20. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    Just looked at the world hearthstone championship prize pool. 250k with 100k going to the winner. Wow. Do you suppose that prize pool is generated solely by Hearthstone profits or do you think blizzard is propping it up with a general cash fund?

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