Anyone tried Dawngate?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Dovahkhiin, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Dovahkhiin

    Dovahkhiin Member

    So, we've had Dota/LoL threads, but I thought I'd bring up something different. So EA bought this flashy new Moba a while back thats kinda different. It's not anything like 3'rd person etc, its still kind of similar to root mobas such as LoL or Dota, although perhaps more similar to LoL than the latter.

    Basically, there's two lanes instead of three, a jungle and something similar to resource nodes in RTS games. These nodes can be harassed or taken, and the amount of nodes owned by a team/the amount of workers on those nodes determines the base passive gold income of the team that owns them. Furthermore, there are heroes that excel at stacking these things, which is kinda cool. However, what else is really cool is that unlike both league and Dota, it has classes to choose from during picking stage. Hunter, Gladiator and so forth. Each of these have a different role and effect your hero in different ways.

    Core mechanics wise however, its very similar to LoL, if a bit more casual with normally shorter games lasting somewhere between 20-30 minutes. Similar monitisation system to LoL, even with something like Rune pages, although less Firking retardedly time consuming to actually construct given that you can get pieces for it after games etc. Heroes go on free rotation and can be permanently unlocked as well, even though there is a relatively small pool at the moment.

    tl;dr, shits dope, you should try it if you haven't already

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    I saw a few games and a few of the other people played it, they enjoyed it for a time, but then they dropped it.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    If you are looking for the third person- SMITE - exists, it seems somewhat interesting/fun, though I probably won't be playing it.

    The other issue was incompatibility with Apple OS devices, but I guess that would be my fault.
  4. Skybloom

    Skybloom I need me some PIE!

    I tried Dawngate, and i think it's alright. It was during closed beta, though. At that time they didn't have any EU servers, so i was stuck with 250 ping, which kinda ruined my experience a bit.
    Something worth pointing out; The soundtrack is amazing. Enough said. *^*
  5. Dovahkhiin

    Dovahkhiin Member

    Eh, I've got 300 ping, I haven't had that much trouble with it, as long as people don't just sit in the Resource nodes all game and actually push it seems to go well.

    And yes, the soundtrack is sex
  6. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Off-Topic, but how the heck do you play with that much ping and not have it bother you? Anywhere close to 80 or 90 and I start having a horrible time with the game (whatever the game is).

  7. Dovahkhiin

    Dovahkhiin Member

    Eh, I've somewhat gotten used to it. Theres lots of games that don't have Oceanic servers. The skill shots that I was using were not particularly difficult, even Kahgen's ult isn't that difficult to hit.
  8. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    dawngate was fun but i didn't keep playing it on account of no one else played

  9. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Just started today. Finding it a refreshing change from LoL. It's nice being new again ^^

    Love the loadout system. Much more interesting than runes and masteries.

    I am in Europe playing on the NA servers and it says I have 90-100 ping. But I don't notice any visible delay (I usually do at that ping).

    Currently play LoL and Smite as my main two MOBAs. Tried DotA 2, but it was too clunky at the time. Or at least, it was designed to be clunky.
  10. exiledtyrant

    exiledtyrant Active Member

    I've been with Dawngate for a pretty long time. I dropped all the other Mobas I play for it. U rarely hop on mobas at the moment though but if I want a grief free weekend I can trust Dawngate to deliver. They are very good with handling their community and the Lore building has really exploded in the last few months. It's a shame the lead writer won't be doing personal stories anymore but we have the new chronicles and full on audio log specials now.

    Definitely fun time to just hit up their community twitch events and get a few games in if nothing else. Reminds me to catch up on that shaper reveal. Mystery Ice girl so I'm told.
    naushika likes this.

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