Arrowsinger for Angel of Death,

Discussion in 'Rune Trading' started by ShionNR, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. ShionNR

    ShionNR I need me some PIE!

    Enough said. It would be awesome if someone wants to make this 1:1 trade.
  2. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    Try again in a couple of months when the (leg)angels will be less valuable.
  3. ShionNR

    ShionNR I need me some PIE!

    By PB numbers they are about the same value right now though. I know it will be insanely hard to get a non-profitable 1:1 trade but well... one can dream I guess.
  4. adino32

    adino32 Member

    There is a way to do it using poxbox. If you have not been using it, it should be fairly quick. You need to trade for 28 rares. 29 rares post path finders expansion. That is 25 per rare forged. That totals 725 shards. If you look at Bonds of War, those rares are really cheap. He has 5 that are under 4k. That is 10 rares. Wait a couple of days and do it again. That is 20 rares. If you can wait, do it again in a few days. That is 30 rares. Average value of the rare is 2500. 2500 x30 = 75000. If you traded in the arrowsinger for a value of 150k (not sure of the value), you will still ahve 75k credit left and like 30 shards and your legendary Angel. Might take a week but you can get it. Poxbox does have a ratio of ins vs. outs and vice versa. So if you trade in just one rune and take out 30 that ratio is too steep. You might have to trade in some commons and rares from the old sets. If you got questions, feel free to pm or post it here.
  5. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Sounds like a lot of work and math.
  6. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    It takes a few minutes every few days. I have been slowly but steadily increase my legendary stock through this method.
  7. ShionNR

    ShionNR I need me some PIE!

    I actually was already doing that but on a really small scale, doing a large amount at once it is kinda tiresome indeed.
  8. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Hmm so 25 shards a rare = 29 rares for 1 legendary...

    Approxiamately about 6-8k a rare, so i'll say 8k a rare times 29 = 232,000 . Craft an Angel/150k/etc for about 290k, that's about 60k profit.
  9. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, and a lot of rares a bit cheaper. You can also buy out cheaper legendaries (banners and such) for even bigger profit.
  10. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Spells/relics/equipment legendaries can't be sharded.
  11. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    They totally can be. Do it through the checklist.
  12. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Well that's interesting.
  13. adino32

    adino32 Member

    The max value in poxbox for a legendary is 294k. You want to trade out enough runes to be able to shard and forge an angel. If you trade out rares at 5k a piece (which is difficult, as only bonds of war has rares have value under 5k) you are using up 145k credit. Leaving you with 150k profit. Now if you trade out rares at 8k (there are a lot of rares for 8k) the value out is 232k. That is still 62k profit. You can also trade out cheap exotics and sacrifice them to expedite the process. You can find plenty of exotics (post path of conquest) for around 50k. You need 6. You can only trade out 2 exotics every 6 days. However, 6 exotics is not profitable. At 50k each you are at 300k, a net loss of 6k. There are plenty under 50k though. Ideally you do the rares first and wait 4 days do the rares again. That will net you 20 rares @ 2500 which yields 500 shards. If you trade for 2 exotics as well you can get 740 shards. The credits used would be 2500x20 + 50,000x2 = 150k. Still a profit of 144k. You can do this every 6 days. I am sure poxbox will eventually run out of cheap rares in bonds of war. He does seems to have an amazing amount of them though.

    On the flip side: There are runes in uncommon and rares that poxbox value very high. It is cheaper to craft them and trade these cards in. If you keep doing this, over time you obtain so much credit that you can just trade out whatever he has. This takes a longer time however. But doing this, and take his bonds of war cheap rares, you can pretty much self sustain your poxnora rune collection indefinately... or until he runs out of runes. For example Utter Dark Leviathon is 25k. If you can trade in 29 of those that is a 725k value. It takes 4 rares worth of shards to craft a rare. If you can get the rares at 2500 x5 = 12500 you are doubling your value. Thus you would get a net profit of 362k. A higher value than trading in a forged legendary, but would take a lot more work.

    ... Welcome to Poxbox theory crafting.
  14. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Eventually Poxbox is going to be be dry due to all this sharding. If you look, all the legendaries that shard for 240 (or whatever it is) are at 90k+. They used to be at 40k.
  15. decondor

    decondor I need me some PIE!

    Nope at this point I am far from going dry, the entire new system on changing prices for every rune all the time is simply there to let this work.
    Especially now that I can only forge 6 Legs per week, so I need everyone to forge my HUGE stack CUR runes (my last forging netted me 130k shards on just CUR runes).
    Ideally I price all runes very high and let people forge for profit. The price drops are pretty steep now so the 'right' price will be achieved at some point. And this counts for rares etc too.... especially when I have hundreds of them, the price will be low for quite a while but as seen it hits around 30 in stock the price rockets back up.

    This works very well as already almost all legendaries are in stock, but a few, I can raise their price and people trade them in and it drops again due to stock. At some point I have so many Legendaries that the average price drops making it again more viable to forge Exotics, and then rares etc. Until some equilibrium is achieved.
  16. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    All I know is I've traded out like 400+ uncommons and i'm making mad profit.

    I feel like eventually though, with the small player base an all, runes will slowly start disappearing due to all this forging.
  17. adino32

    adino32 Member

    yeah the player base is too small. And if a new player comes in, it will be insane for them to compete from the get go. They need to do some restructuring of leagues to attract new players and keep new players. I mean, I have an extensive old collection and it is taking me gutting all my limited runes to put together a competitive deck.
  18. adino32

    adino32 Member

    Hey Decondor. I must admit your store is impressive. The automated system is good. Obviously not perfect but it seems to net you a great deal of runes so I guess it is good enough. And it offers a "service" which is nice.

    I don't know how plausible or even if you want to but I do have some suggestions for the store.

    1. The ratio listed somewhere. Maybe on the same place on how many runes you can trade in and out.
    2. On one's profile if there can be several timers. Timers for when you can trade for a legendary/exotic. Also maybe a timer to show your current ratio of in vs. out. All convenience items, but that is what about service is all about right?

    Great store. Hope you are around for as long as poxnora is.

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