Bane Machina - Flexible Demon/Mutant

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by allyorbase, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Bane Machina

    Race: Demon, Mutant
    Class: Rogue

    Gist: A rogue that can swap its upgraded abilities in and out while stealthed, for strategy and general trickery. Can adapt to scenarios by assuming a tank's role or that of a traditional rogue, or other combinations depending upon the unit's level and the user's whim.

    Flavor Text:
    "Indeed, the process does seem excruciating, and rest assured... it is." -- Bok Conjurer

    A grotesque, vaguely imp-like fiend, slender with elongated limbs and a bulging humpback. Its skin is partially covered in hard scales, but otherwise smooth and bare, as if newly formed. The creature is awkward, but bears a ferocious expression in its blazing eyes and gnashing fangs. In action, the creatures aspects are ever-shifting, as if the creature were made entirely of (horrid) clay.

    DMG: 10
    SPD: 6
    DEF: 1
    RNG: 1-2
    HP: 46

    Attack: Physical
    Reformation (AP: 0, CD: 2)
    This champion loses all current upgraded abilities and gains one upgrade ability for each ability lost. This ability does not break stealth.

    Regeneration 3
    Tough 3

    This unit swaps its upgrades out for its other upgrades (presuming it is leveled, it can swap both upgrades for both of the other upgrades). Ultimately, this is a headgame unit, which deploys stealthed and does not reveal its abilities until it is in position (ideally). It can swap abilities while stealthed, as well, so this process can repeat down the line if a retreat or other maneuver is required.

    Note: At level 0, Reformation does nothing -- Reformation removes all upgrades, and replaces each lost upgrade with a previously unselected upgrade.
  2. only

    only Active Member

    I like Reformation ability. manipulating upgrades seems sexy enough to build around upgrade system.
  3. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Thanks! Not entirely sure how it would work with the proposed, forthcoming upgrade system, but I am sure it could still work well. In fact, you could get a lot of mileage by choosing "cheap-cost" upgrades for deployment and then swapping them out for slightly higher-costed upgrades (maybe Reformation could start on CD in that case).

    In the new system, Reformation would drop the two chosen upgrades and pick 1 upgrade from each of the two upgrade sets. You have less control over which upgrades get swapped in, so there is now an element of chance and chaos, which actually feels natural with the unit's flavor.
  4. only

    only Active Member


    one of my ideas was to make ability, which transfers your upgrades to other champion. but instead of supporting your own ones, all 4 upgrades you have could be drawbacks so you transfer them to opposite. maybe even copy instead of transfer (using multiple times).

    another version of yours could be passive form (based on current upgrade system) that you change your upgrades after attacking.

    so you have A and B and after attack your upgrades become C and D and then reversed back. so those could be on-basic attack effects etc.

    in general, I love exploiting the current upgrade system with manipulations and etc. I mean if we have upgrade system, we should focus on it more!
    allyorbase likes this.

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