Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by yuore, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. yuore

    yuore The King of Potatoes

  2. 4NIK8

    4NIK8 I need me some PIE!

    DEM is in there as a cheap efficient unit right? Declare Hunter indeed gives it some flavour allowing for your allies to close the gap. But, you should consider Rip Demon, for 60 nora it has AP gen, ton of HP and DMG and an anti melee.

    I don't get some of those choices, like succubus seems out of place. I would definetly swap her for a second Bok Raider.

    A single Red-tipped raptor? With those you probably wanna run two or none.

    Nefari Guardian is also questionable since its not hard to get rid of bodyguard (push back, dispel, loss of life, etc), but might be usefull in an early push I guess.

    Since your running Griefbearer, I would probably swap Dark Pact for Bane Shift. Relieve + Bane Shift gives you a great cleansing option. While Dark Pact could give you better results, it is more situational, Bane Shift is more consistent. It might be a matter of preference.

    Double Superiority is uncalled for. You should probably add a Drain Vitality in there. It's too damn good to pass.

    Also, who do you usually equip with Demon Shield. I think you might have enough Arrow Eater champs in there already, maybe swap it with a Hate Leech which combos really well with Ireguard.
    yuore likes this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    going to need some music to write out this one and blow the dust off my old meta bg.

    While I might not be keeping up with the latest patches and buffs/nerfs to units I can still give some insight to what i've been able to squeeze out against some higher players.

    going down the list and comparing to what i've put in around 4 months go maybe 6. I think it's been about half a year at least hard to keep track of time these days.

    dem is great cheap meat for what she does, especially if you are using her for going into two enemy champions to spring off melee specialist. While she might not be able to get both she'll kill one of them for sure and both if you have someone else in there. Give her a mandate from sheoul and she will heal and probably finish off the other one.

    Bok enforcer is ok if you can manage to get her out for multiple guys to support, but this is the Under Depths. Kill or die, which means you want to keep attacking mfkers, try bok warden with enrage and detection 1. A little more pricey but trust me it's better than just one enforcer.

    Same thing with Raider, too pricey and it's not great to run just 1 of something. There are better flying champs out there. Maybe another enforcer?

    I've heard about priestess being good now but I don't see how.

    Grimlic is always a good choice. But if you have an angel/korona that's even better.

    nefari griefbearer is meh try to switch him and someone else out for x2 demon liches, who are fking amazing.

    undertort in place of that nefari guardian, tort brings in a range attack and defence for everyone nearby to keep pushing up with large aoe.

    pincushions are always a good choice as are the vothsair but as 4nik said it's better to have 2 redtip or none, I'd replace with x2 succubus and i'll tell you why I love x2 succs. looks like her second line got changed but still looks solid tank to me, 74 for life siphon and abash, meaning only so many attacks on her from a few guys and with a mandate she will threaten the enemy to have to run or use a spell. This brings in dark pact/bane shift.

    I don't see the reason for siege monger if you run demolish. Are relics that big a problem these days?

    Mind storm meh. Drain vitality

    shatter is good, split personality good, one superiority, good for one sac and one retri unless it's your thing to plan on losing a lot of your guys.

    meh to fiery ambush

    try running either two ireguards or 2 reavers
    or you could always run x2 fanatics because fk yes manic

    I actually have to go work now but final note and just ask to see my bg if you actually care. Mandate of sheoul will win games. x2 is rubbing their face in it or good if you mess up.
    yuore likes this.
  4. yuore

    yuore The King of Potatoes

    4NIK8 : DEM I have for tagged i, it helps me get closer, and Ud do not have much of that

    Bok raider I was testing it and flamethrower is very useful, I think I'll buy another one

    Raptor I was trying it, I only have 1, it's worth buying another one?

    Nefari Guardian I was testing it instead of undertortoise , me to more effective result to dispute fonts .

    Drain Vitality Is very good, buy one

    Demon shield put it in grimlic, helping with its survival , Hate Leech I would serve a lot in my ireguard


    Mandate from sheoul would be a good option, Bok Warden It is interesting , But i do not have it either , enforcer i use it summons , I'm not very convinced by this rune .

    priestess I use it for my vothsairs , same what nefari guardian

    Raider I got it for its aoe damage, I do not have much of that kind of damage

    Previously used two succubus , But the damage aoe and the inability to get closer, made me lose games

    I try 2 fanatic .

    My BG : I did well although I lack detection

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    you can get more out of a mandate of sheoul than a hate leech imo.

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