BGs are missing from in-game BG list...

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by ZacMystro, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. ZacMystro

    ZacMystro New Member

    Apart from the many other bugs, this one is annoying. It enables me to play 10 of my BGs!!! WHYY
  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Is this still happening and can I get a more detailed description of the steps you take where this occurs?
  3. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    This is happening to me. The bottom half of the drop down list is taken up by 3 starter BGs in bold purple.
  4. Alkioneus

    Alkioneus I need me some PIE!

    happens to me. I couldn't play my mirefolk BG. What I could do, was to delete all runes from the other BG and add all runes from the mirefolk BG to the other BG.
  5. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Thanks, I have created a ticket so the programmers can address this issue.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
  6. Petr Kristof

    Petr Kristof Well-Known Member

    It happens to me too. BUT the weird thing about it is, that in dailies I can see all of my decks, but when I switch for Battlefield, some decks are missing. It seems random decks (mean not first half of second half of list or specific faction) but its same decks every time. Also once I managed to have one of the missing decks on list when I chose it in Daily and switched into Battlefield screen, but wasnt able to repeat it again. I have about 80 decks.

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