Bleed vs Vampyres/Life Siphon

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by vipoid, May 23, 2016.

  1. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    I often hear that Bleed decks are much better than Vampyre or Life Siphon decks.

    Could someone please explain why this is?
  2. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    Usually bleed offers a cheaper upgrade path the life siphon. If a range champ is not engaging in combat that unit might be better off being run with bleed. Bleed allows the range unit to provide a melee unit with localized blood globe.

    Bleed decks are typically FF UD.
    Vamp can be FF FW or FF UD, designed to be a split. (Even KF spilts now)
    Life siphon is an FW-esc ability.

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